Part 28

863 17 6

Day before thanksgiving

I woke up and saw it was early very early. I got dressed and walked to Brendan's room to see if he is up, he looks so cute when he is sleeping, I sat on his bed and played with his hand.

He slowly started to wake up.

Bj- hi

He looked at me then moved his hand to my cheek.

B- are you ready to go.

I nodded and grabbed his and tried to pull him up. He saw me struggling and pulled me on top of him. He grinned as he snuggled into my neck, I groaned.

Bj- Brendan we have to go or your not going home for thanksgiving.

He let me go and I got up, I helped him up and this time I succeeded he got up. I walked down stairs and saw Logan eating a onion, Andy was cooking. I saw three guys standing there.

Brendan came down with his camera in is hand. When he came to where I was he started recording.

B- Logan why are you eating a onion.
(I don't know what they said, I'm in the middle of class so... yeah)

L- because your leaving.

Bj- what about me, I'm your twin dumb ass.

L- your annoying.

I frowned and sat down.

B- I'm coming back though

Brendan stopped filming and grabbed my hand.

B- Uber is here.

He whispered to me. We walked out with Logan following us. When we got to the car Brenden opened the door for me.

Bj- bye Logan

L- don't forget about me.

Bj- Logan you unforgettable.

When I got in the car Brenden following closely behind.

Bj- I glad to be away for a week.

B- but you still love him.

Bj- yeah but I love you more.

I kissed him. He pulled away and set his hand on my thigh.

Skip to the airport
(I don't know who picked him up so I'm going to say it was his sister, I'm making this up as I go)

We got off the plane and a few fans came up mostly for Brendan but I had a few fans though. Brendan held my hand all though out the way to his sister's car. 

I saw a girl leaning on a car, when she saw Brendan her face lit up and she ran to him, Brendan let go of my hand and hugged her back. When the were done I walked beside Brendan and spoke.

Bj- hi I'm Bj paul Brendan's girlfriend and Logan Paul's twin.

M- hi Bj I'm Michela Brendan's older sister.

We shook each other's hand.

Bj- and I'm Brendan North but you guys already know that.( flash joke⚡️😏)

We both laughed and Brenden laughed awkwardly. I leaned up to whisper something in his ear.

Bj- your cute, and very smexy.

He laughed awkwardly again. He grabbed my hand as we walked with his sister to her car. When we got into her car Brendan let me sit in the front.

B- I want you two to be best friends when we leave.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now