Part 23

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I woke up to a loud bang. That gave me a headache thanks to whoever that was but I still got up and dressed.

I walked out with Logan and Brendan by a tiger.

Bj- do I even want to know?

Logan shook his head and continued talking to the camera. Brendan was looking at me then smiled.

I walked downstairs and shouted to Logan.

Bj- Logan I'm going out be back later.

L- k, bye little sissy.

I rolled my eyes. I absolutely hate it when he calls me that. I walked to Logan's challenger and realized I didn't have the keys. I walked back in and saw Logan holding the tiger but he was downstairs.

Bj- how can you move to fast in so little time.

He shrugged and moved his eyes back to the camera.

Bj- anyway I forgot the keys.

Logan laugh while Brendan looked at me and smiled.
'I love you' he mouthed.
'I love you too Bren' I mouthed back. I grabbed the keys and walked back out to Logan's challenger.

I arrived at my destination, the wdw boys. I was happy they where back from tour, I get to see my little bros again.

I walked into the house with my nerf gun that I keep in his car. I opened the door and walked slowly around the corner and saw one of the boys, I ran back around the corner and carful looked around, I saw Jack with Dakota. I aimed at his head but hit his arm instead. He looked around to see who it was as I moved swiftly to a different direction. Next I saw Corbyn with Alyssa. I smirked and hit Corbyn in the head. I did a little victory dance and moved to my next target, I saw Daniel with a girl cuddled into him. I moved so I can hit him not her, I hit his shoulder and ran off. I ran into a wall and made a loud thud. I heard footsteps running to were I was. My hand was on my nose as I was groaning and rolling along the floor.

J- oh my gosh Bj.

I heard Jonah say.

Bj- ow ow ow it hurts.

Ja- oh god Bj ugh let's get her to sit somewhere.

I felt someone pick me and carried me to the couch.

Z- Bj were does it hurt.

Bj- were do you think dumb ass.

D- hey Zach is still a baby here no cursing.

I rolled my eyes and sat up.

Bj- can someone hand me my phone and a paper towel.

Daniel grabbed my phone and jack got a paper towel. I nodded and wiped the blood from under my nose then held the paper towel against my nose. I dialed Brendan's number and held my phone to my ear. 

Bj- Jonah do you know where Logan new house is?

He nodded.

Bj- can you take me there.

He nodded again. I handed him the keys and he grabbed Daniel.

D- wait why I'm I coming.

J- so you can take my car while I take her car.

Jonah helped me out to my car. He then walked to the other side and got in.

I fell asleep on the way home and I felt myself being picked up. I heard Brendan talking to Jonah.

B- what happened to her nose.

J- she ran into a wall. It's just a bloody nose.

I started to wake up and I saw Brendan coming back in from the kitchen with what looks like a wet paper towel. He sat down next to me, I moved my legs on his lap as he cleaned the blood. I heard Jonah, Daniel, and Logan talking. I looked in Brenden's eyes.

Bj- you look hot when your focused.

B- I know.

I laughed and removed my legs then moved closer to him. We held eye contact till he smashed his lips on mine.

B- I've been wanting to do that all day.

He whispered on my lips. I connected them again as Brendan's hand were moving down. He disconnected our lips and pushed me back into the couch then was kissing my neck. My face was against his collarbone. I moved my hand to cup his head and moved his head so I can kiss him.

He moved his head into the crook of my neck. I had my hands around his neck. I kissed his cheek then closed my eyes to fall asleep.

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