Part 26

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This is when they are in Dubai

On the way to the airport I was about halfway asleep on Brendan's shoulder. He had his arm around me and his head was on mine.

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I looked out the window and saw we are pulling up to the airport

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I looked out the window and saw we are pulling up to the airport. I shook Brendan to wake him up. When he woke up he walked out and grabbed our luggage. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand as we followed Logan throughout the airport. When we go on the plane. I was to tired to stand so as Logan sat down I sat on his lap.

L- i think you are on the wrong lap. Sis.

Bj- no I'm on the right one, maybe your in the wrong seat.

Brendan pouted, I smiled at him and cuddled more into Logans chest. He kissed my head then they called us to sit in our sits. Brendan offered me his hand. I took it as he pulled me up. He was walking in front of me as he lead us to our sits.

He pulled me in front of him, I took my seat then pulled Brenden down to sit. I felt the plane start to move. I laid my head on his lap. He started playing with my hair making me feel relaxed. I looked up at him and smiled.

B- your so hot.

He leaned down and kissed me. I heard someone gag, he pulled away as we saw Logan.

L- so Brendan you know there is a bar in the back.

B- then why aren't we there.

Logan walked away, Brenden grabbed my hand as we both stood up. I followed him all the way to the bar. Brendan let go of my hand, wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder as Logan was vlogging. A fan walked into the bar,

L- I know for a fact you are in the logang.

I removed my head from Brendan's shoulder.

Bj- Logan you can tell he is apart of the b-team.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder then I kissed his cheek.

F- I'm in both.

Logan nodded.

When we got back to our seats, Brenden groaned at me when he saw me on both our phones. Don't ask why. He took my phone.

After playing on each other's phones I fell asleep listening to his music he has on his phone.

I woke up to Brendan shaking me and saying we landed. When we walked of the plane and though out the airport, fans started coming into view. I grabbed Brendan's hand and squeezed it. He looked at me and smiled. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked to the car with our security guards around us.

Brendan got in the car first and dragged me with him. Logan came shortly after me then the security guard shut the door. Logan started being more crazy than he usually does.

Bj- how I'm I related to this psychopath.

I whispered to Brendan. He chuckled and I looked over to Logan and saw him on his phone. I had the most confused look, Brenden laughed even harder than before. Logan looked up and was instantly looked confused, I broke into laughter.

We got to the hotel room and I immediately fell on the bed.

B- are you that tired.

He said falling down next to me, he wrapped his arm around my waist, I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes.

L- get up we are going exploring.

I groaned and rolled over.

Bj- why we just got here.

He glared at me. I rolled off the bed and slowly got up. I grabbed my stuff. We walked down to the parking garage to go to dinner.

On the way there I was sleeping on Brendan's shoulder. I woke up with my head on his lap, Logan was poking me and telling me we are here. I sat up as Logan exited the car then Brenden made it out and helped me.

When we sat down Logan started talking with some people and Brenden made it look like he was in the conversation, his arm was around my waist and rubbing it, my head was one his shoulder. I wanted to go to sleep but logan was talking to loud. Brendan removed his arm from my waist and grabbed my hand then leaned his head against mine.

When we got back to the hotel, everyone was tried as we walked to our room. I was half asleep one Logan's shoulder but I was holding Brendan's hand as we walked. We got to our room and Brendan picked me up and dropped me on the bed and took off my shoes, he walked away for a little bit then came back and brought me closer, he took off his shirt and changed into shorts. I felt his body heat and I heard his heart beat, he was rubbing my back as I was falling fully asleep.
I finally posted. I planned this chapter to be longer but I would have not updated in five days maybe.

🎉🎈It's Brendens birthday🎈🎉

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