Part 42

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The last two days we booked 2 tickets back to Cali and the day after we traveled back home. It's now logan and I's birthday. While Logan went on a big road trip, Brendan and I stayed in la.

"Happy birthday Baby." Brendan said as he stood in front of the stove.

"Brendan what are you doing?" I asked getting closer to him.

"Making breakfast." He said.

"Uh...please don't burn the apartment down." I joked.

"I'm not that bad." He said finally turning around.

"The worst." I said kissing him.

I sat on the couch and went to Twitter.

BjjPaul: happy 23rd birthday logan. I love you big bro and I can't believe I survived 23 years with a insane person like you.

Brendan walked over and pulled me up. He then grabbed my hand and guided me to the table. "What would you want to do?" Brendan asked as he was being creepy. (Watching me eat).

"How about we go to the beach." I said after I finished eating.

Brendan nodded and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and put a hand on his shoulder. He pulled back and stood up. "Follow me." He said taking my hand.

He led me to the bed and told me to sit down and close my eyes. Soon I felt something soft on my lap. "Ok you can open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and saw a cat on my lap.

"Brendan what did I ever do to deserve you

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"Brendan what did I ever do to deserve you. You deserve someone much better than me." I said starting to cry.

"No I don't, I don't deserve someone better than you because you are the love of my life. You make me want to get up in the morning. You made me the person I am today. Bj I love you too much." Brendan said wiping my tears.

"I love you too." I said into is shoulder. "Boy or girl?" I asked.

"Girl. Want should we name her?" He asked looking at the cat on my lap.

"Angel." I said smiling. "Where's Draco." As soon as I said that he came into view. "Ok Brendan get dressed we are going to the beach." I said standing up.

I got dressed and then grabbed Draco's leash. "Come on baby." I said to Draco as Brendan walked out of the bathroom.

He grabbed his keys and then took my hand. We both walked out to his car and he drove to the beach.


Brendannorth: happy birthday baby. love you so much@BjjPaul

BjjPaul: thx babe love you too 😍😘❤️

We've been home for a half a hour and Brendan was showering. I heard the water turn off and the shower door open.

"Brendan can we talk about something?" I asked him as he came out of the bathroom in his boxers (😏😉). He nodded and I continued. "So you know how you're going to Coachella and I'm going to be home alone." He nodded along to what I was saying. "So I was wondering if I can go to Coachella with you." I said slowly hoping he won't be mad.

"Bj I don't want you to go when you're pregnant." He said.

"But I never been. I've always been busy and now I'm not, but now I'm pregnant." I said.

"What I about next year?" He asked putting some sweatpants.

"But we will have a baby to take care of."

He sighed and sat down on the bed. After awhile he finally answered. "You can come but I want you to be by me or Logan, no matter what, and no alcohol." Brendan said as I started doing a happy dance.

"Thank you Thank you, I love you sooo much." I said hugging him.

"Love you too Bj" Brendan said as he has his arms around my waist.

We both leaned in to kiss each other.


So it's short but I haven't updated in forever and I just put Bj's birthday so next chapter will be Coachella.

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