Part 3

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Jake came in and saw me and Brendan. "Please tell me nothing is going on between you two." He said using hand motions. I just moved more into Brendan's chest. He put his chin on my head. Our phones were blowing up with notifications.

TeamtenDrama- Brendan north was seen entering an ambulance caring Bj Paul. Minutes later Logan Paul was seen entering a hospital, a few seconds later Jake Paul was seen.

BjPaul- I was vlogging while I was on my penny board and ran into Brendan and busted my knee.

Logan picked up kong and sat down while Jake came and hugged me. The doctor came in and said I can go. Logan handed me my clothes and Brendan helped me to the bathroom and I got changed and limped out to were Brendan helped me to my crutches.

Logan came back in and we went back to the car. I went with Jake and we went back to the team ten house. I was looking at these twins they sing and dance, I'm thinking of doing a collab with them.

I sent the email the Grire twins then Logan and Brendan came in and Logan messed with Jake while Brendan filmed and he winked at me. I put my head down so no one can see me blushing. I heard him chuckle at me.

I got an email and it was the twins they gave me their number so we can talk. I felt someone sit next to me I looked up to see Brendan so I cuddled into him, he closed my MacBook and grabbed my hand to intertwined it with his. I heard silence we both looked up to see both of my brothers vlogging us. I moved closer to Brendan, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. The boys gasp then they yell smash. "Kill me know, dear mother of lord sloth." I mumbled into Brendan's chest, all the boys laughed. I got up with Brendan's help and grabbed my camera.

"Hey B's as you can see I have a walking pole with me...I will tell you the story but first Logan or Jake get your ass over here." Logan came walking in. I winked at Brendan. "Bring me to the office." Brendan chuckled.


"Ok so story time, I decided to prank Jake by acting like I was kidnaped. Ok after that we went to the wdw house and I decided to ride my penny board and take kong on a walk. I was vlogging were I ran into Brendan and busted my knee. So all the drama were you saw Brendan bringing me into an ambulance. Then saw Logan and Jake enter a hospital. Yeah, that's all true." I said putting my hand over the camera. Brendan walked over to me, he picked me up and put me on a desk, walked in between my legs.

"Would you like to go on a date with me at 1?" He whispered. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. I lifted my head up and kissed his cheek.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now