Part 37

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I woke up to find a note next to me.

Happy Valentine's Day Bj, I love you. I'll meet you at you door at 7:30, and put a dress on.
           ~ Brendan

I checked my clock and saw that it's 7:15am, so I got dressed and walked out of my room to get something to eat. I saw Logan and Brendan out side.

"Hey boys." I said walking out of the house.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby." Brendan said as he pecked my lips.

"Um Logan why are you spraying the flowers with floor cleaner?" I said as I say him spray them.

He didn't say anything he just put the bottle down.

"I'm going to work out I'll see you guys little bit, love you guys." I said walking passed them.

"I bet she loves Brendan more." Logan "whispered" to his camera.

I went deep red and I'm pretty sure Brendan was to. I ran the the gym and put my headphones on.


An hour later I was done with my workout and now I'm heading to my room to take a shower. After the shower I got dressed in to new clothes.

I walked out of my bathroom and saw Draco laying on my bed

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I walked out of my bathroom and saw Draco laying on my bed. He looked up when he noticed me there and jumped up all excited. I grabbed his leash and put it on him then I walked out of the house with my keys, phone, and my camera to my car.

I drove to the Grove and took Draco out of my car as long as my camera.

"Hey b-team! It's been awhile, but I'm back and at the grove and I have a surprise... I have a dog now." I pointed the camera at Draco. "This is Draco my child as you might have seen on my instagram or Logan's vlog. As I mentioned Logan you might be wondering where he is, well I have no idea so let's call him." I pulled out my phone and dialed Logan's number. "Hey logie, I was wondering where you are, because I got out of the shower and noticed you where not home."

"I'm shopping for my valentine."
I heard him say.

"Oh k bye Logan, love you."

"Love you to Bj." He said then end the call.

"Welp let explore." I said putting my hand over the lens.

I walked around and meet a few fans, also vlogged more but now I'm in my car on my way home kinda late. It's 6:38 and my date with Brendan is at 7:30 so I'm trying to rush home. When I got home I rushed inside and dropped Draco's leash and ran upstairs.

I got dressed into a light pink dress with light pink heels. I did my makeup and hair then I checked the time 7:28.

Two minutes later I heard a knock at my door and I went to open it

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Two minutes later I heard a knock at my door and I went to open it. Brendan had his hair slicked back and a light blue button up top with darker blue tie. He had a bear in his hands with a single red rose, he handed them to me and took my hand to guided me to his car. On our way there we passed Logan and handed my rose to him and told him to put it in water.

He opened the door for me and then shuts it after I got in. He walks over to the other side and gets in.

"You look beautifully sexy." (I don't know why I put that but oh well) Brenden said as he took my hand leaned in to kiss me.

I put my bear in my lap kissed him back. We both pulled away at the same time and stared lovely into each other's eyes.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"A fancy restaurant then back home." Brendan responded as he was starting the car.

The drive there we talked about life and the wedding. (I bet you guys forgot they were are engaged.) When we got there Brendan climbed out of his seat and walked around to my side of the car to open the door. I thanked him and grabbed his hand as we headed to the restaurant. We were seated right away since Brendan made a reservation.

The waiter got our drinks and just ordered our food. "I can't remember the last time we were on a date." Brendan said, I nodded.

"It's been a long time."

Time skip

We are back home in pajamas in my bed watching Flash, Draco sat by our feet as I was slowly falling asleep (I didn't mean for that to rhythm). Brendan turned off my tv and pulled me closer to his chest. He kissed my head then wrapped his arms around my waist as I started to fall asleep.
Hope you guys had a good Valentine's Day. And I updated twice in a week.

Also this is the bear Bj has,

Also this is the bear Bj has,

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I'll try to update next week. Bye.

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