Part 47

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A/n: I decided to skip a few months.

4 months later

Today is our baby shower. Our moms both set this up at our new house. I stood in the kitchen holding a bottle of water. Brendan walked down the stairs and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey! Ready to know our babies genders?" Brendan said kissing my cheek.

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "Are you ready for them to be boys." I mumbled.

"Are you ready for them to be girls? Lilian and Charlotte North have a nice ring to it." He said kissing me.

"She's already pregnant bro." One of my annoying ass brothers said. We both pulled away and greeted him.

A little bit later our house crowded. I walked up the Brendan.

"You ready to find out the genders?" I asked grabbing both of his hands. He nodded and kissed my head.

He walked up to the front and got everyone's attention. "Let's head to the backyard. It's time." He yelled. Brendan walked back over to me and grabbed my hand and walked (mostly pulled me) out of the house.

Our set up is 2 chairs back to back. People who think the twins are girls stand in front of me and the same for Brendan but with boys (because of the gender). My brothers put a big black balloon over My and Brendan's head.

I reached my hand back and felt his grab mine. I squeezed his hand when they started counting down.

"2...1..." was the last thing I heard before I felt confetti on my bare skin. I opened my eyes and saw blue. I looked over to Brendan and saw blue again.

Brendan was already up, he looked over and held his hands out for me. I grabbed them and he pulled me up. I got pulled as close as I can. My eyes looked into his and smiled.

"I love you, Leo and Liam." I said smirking at him.

"Well I love you three, a lot." He said and started to lean closer. I closed the gap and kissed him.

I pulled away when my idiots of brothers started cheering. I glared at them and started walking back into the house.

After a few hours everyone left and I was so tired. I sat down on the couch after I put our dishes away. Brendan put his arm on my waist and pulled me carefully into his chest. I tried to stay awake but as Brendan sat next to me on the couch, editing. I couldn't help but fall asleep on his chest.


I'm sooooo sorry it's short and I haven't updated in about two months. It's sad to say that the book will be ending bet chapter then an epilogue will be after that.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now