Part 21

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Logan told me me and Brendan are going to hang out with him and his girlfriend most of the day, I've seen her in his videos and she seems like someone I'll hang out with. Logan was playing music and that woke me up and once I'm up from someone I'm not going back to sleep. I walked out to see Brendan filming him.

"Aww did I wake up the princess." Logan said. Brendan moved the camera to face me, I saw him smile.

"Yes and the princess is not happy about that... you owe me something now." I told him. He groaned and told Brendan to move the camera to look at him. "I'm going out anyone want to join me." No one spoke. "Logan since I don't have a car I'm taking the Yeti."

"No no no, you can't drive that I don't want it to end up like the last car you drove."

"Ha ha very funny Logan." I grabbed the keys and ran to his car. I heard him scream at me. I drove to the team ten house. "Jakey your big sister is here."

He came walking down looking confused. "Why are you here."

"There's no good food at Logan's and I forgot my money. Do you have any food?"

He shook his head. Then Logan texted me.

Big brother
Hey we are going out know to hang out with my girlfriend can you meet us at the grove.

Little sister
Sure I guess but I didn't get any food. I'm hungry.

I walked back to his car and drove to the grove. I saw Logan with no camera by him.
Wow what a rare sight. I guess he saw me because he was looking in my direction. I got out and walked to them. Brendan grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Hi! I'm Amanda Logan's girlfriend."

"I'm Bj Logan's twin and Brendan's girlfriend."

"Yeah I know Logan talked about you a lot."

"Oh no."

"Oh nothing bad but knowing him it will come out soon." She said laughing, I just glared at Logan, he awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I missed you baby girl." Brendan said.

"I was only gone for half a hour." I said kissing him.

"I know but it's hard to saw good bye to someone so good looking." He smirked at me. I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Did you forget there are other people here to." Logan said.I rolled my eyes. Brendan grabbed my hand and we followed them. Brendan told me that all the why don't we boys got girlfriends. They all grow up so fast. I hope I get to might them.

When we got home Brendan dragged me to his room which was a mess, he has clothes all over the fall, he has a mattress on the floor.

"Why you bring me here it's a mess." I said looking around.

"Come on babe it never bothered you before, I'm still moving in." He started kissing my neck.

"Come on Bren Logan is here."

"Does it matter." He moved his hands and pulled me into him and kissed me. We walked to his bed and pushed me down. There was knocking on his door. He groaned and rolled over, he fell on the bed and walked to the door. I saw Logan when Brendan opened it. He whispered something to Brendan and left.

"What was that about Bren." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back on his bed.

"It was nothing don't worry about, come on let's get some sleep." He moved me into his chest and kissed my head. He had one hand on my back and the other on my waist. I heard his breathing slow down. I felt my eyes getting heavy, then I was out.

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