Part 33

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A/n: this is going to start at the airport when Logan and Brendan go to Japan, Bj is going to a different place. Also there is going to be a lot of time skips.

I got up early and saw I was in Brendan's room but he wasn't here. I got up (wearing one of his shirts and spandex) and walked downstairs and saw Logan and Brendan walking around the house.

"Good morning boys. Why are you guys so busy." I said leaning on the rail, looking over at the boys.

"Hi, yeah we're just packing for Japan. What are doing sis."

"Just woke up. How come I wasn't invited." I said smirking.

"You were but you wanted to go to New Zealand."

"Well see y'all boys I got to pack." I winked at Brendan then walked to my room.

I called a few of my best friends, Oliver, Ryder, and Lynn, (already knows about the trip and is coming) I told them to meet me at the house and Logan is going to get a Uber (van) and we are going to drive there together.

Time skip to when they leave

Right know I have Brendan carrying my luggage down the stairs (he volunteered) when my best friends arrived.

"Hey guys, it's been forever." I said hugging them. They all said hi and hugged me. "You guys remember Logan." They nodded. "This is my fiancé, Brendan North." They all said hi.

Logan walked into the room and said the Uber is here. Brendan took my bag (again) as everyone was grabbing theirs.

Another time skip

The Uber drove up to the front of the airport and stopped the car. We all got out and got our luggage (Brendan let me take my own). Brendan grabbed my hand as we entered.

We got through security and had some run ins with some fans. Its been half an hour and my flight is call, I stood up and pulled Brendan up with me.

"Im going to miss Bren." I hugged him. We both pulled away

"Im going to  miss you to Bj."He kissed me then pulled away.

I walked over to Logan and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you Logan. Be good, I'm going to call you everyday and I don't care if your going to die you have to pick up." I pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too Bj and be safe." I nodded.

I looked at Brendan and said that I loved him and told him to be safe and call me if needed.

Time Skip

Its been a week and we did a lot fun stuff. Right now we are having a lazy day. I got a call from Brendan that they went into the suicide forest and saw a dead body, and that Logan made the mistake of showing the body on video. I decided to text Logan to see how he is.

Younger Twin: Hey Logan Brendan told me what happened. You ok?

Older Twin: Yeah. But what I saw was really sad. I feel bad for him and his family and friends.

Younger Twin: Yeah definitely is sad to think about and to see.

Older Twin: Yeah yeah...

Older Twin: so um how is New Zealand.

Younger Twin: its fun. we should come back, just you,Jake, and me. We really need some family time with all the things going on.

Older Twin: Yeah that would be good.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now