Part 44

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It probably isn't a good idea to be crying while driving but I couldn't help it. I feel like we both overreacted. The drive to Logan's house felt like it took forever.

I opened the front door and walked to a room where I know logan would be in. His gaming room. "Hey Logan what's up." My voice cracked a little. Another problem I have right now is that my eyes are red and puffy and I have tear stained cheeks.

"Bj what's wrong? We just sent you back home." Logan said starting to stand up.

He turned off everything in the room and pushed me out. He walked out and closed the door. He then walked towards me and held me close to him. I couldn't help but break down into his chest.

"Bj what happened? You can tell me." Logan said into my ear calmly.

"We g-got into a f-fight." I said through the sobbing I was doing.

He rubbed my back as we stood there. The only noise heard was my sobbing. I heard footsteps going down the stairs then suddenly stopped. "Logan what is going on?" A voice said. I then realized the voice belongs to Evan.

"Who are you holding?" Evan asked again.

"It's Bj. They got into a fight." Logan whispered, still trying to comfort me. "Bj you can stay here as long as you need but you need to talk this out with him. You guys are in love, the longer you don't talk to him the more it'll hurt. I don't want to see you like that." Logan said.

"I love you Logan." I mumbled.

"What was that, I didn't hear what you said." Logan joked, acting like he didn't hear me.

"I'm not repeating it you dumbass. Oh and can I sleep in your room?" I asked. "Thanks Logan love you." I said before he can reply.

I grabbed kong and then walked up the stairs wiping my eyes, trying to dry my face.

I opened his door and shut it behind me. I fell back on to the bed and snuggled kong into my chest. After awhile I fell asleep.

Brendan's pov

When she left I felt a piece of my heart break off. I didn't know if she'll ever come back and forgive me. I turned around and saw Angel laying down by the bed. I sat on the bed and cried into my hands.

I heard something vibrating. I got up and saw my phone was lit up. A call from logan.

"Hey Logan."

"Hey Brendan. Why is my sister at my house crying."

"Um well we got into a fight and then she said she need space and left."

"And you didn't try to stop her. She could of been in a car crash. She came in with red puffy eyes and stained cheeks."

"I did try but she still left."

"I want you to call her soon. She's broken." And with that he hung up.

I sighed and laid back and soon fell asleep.
It's not like I'm broke too.

Bj pov

I woke up next to Logan with kong in between us. I got up and decided I need a shower or a bath to cool down, I then realized I have no more clothes here. I walked down stairs and then to his merch room. Looking around I saw a lot more things there since the last time I was here. I grabbed some leggings, a shirt and jacket.

I walked back upstairs and into Logan's bathroom. I decided to take a shower, mostly because I didn't want to move to much when making the bath. I'm lazy, ok. When I finished the shower I walked back into the room and grabbed my phone. I walked around the house, deciding what to do.

I sat on the couch with my knees in my chest. My phone laid on the table in front, it was just begging me to call him.

"Bj are you ok." I jumped at Logan's voice.

I nodded and looked back at the black screen. "Logan I'm going out." I yelled and grabbed my keys and phone.

Honestly when I said I was going out I didn't mean just driving around but that's what I did anyways.  I decided to stop at the grove. I parked and started walking around.

A few minutes of walking around I spotted someone that looks like Brendan, when I got closer I saw that it was him. I panicked and turned around. I saw a guy standing up against the wall. He smirked when he saw me looking at him.

"Whats a pretty lady like you doing here alone." He said. I ignored him and continued walking. "Playing hard to get, are you. I like that." He said, I'm pretty sure he still has his smirk on his face.

"I'm married." I lied. I felt him get closer.

"Oh honey, I don't mind." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I stopped and pushed his hand off. I then turned around. "Maybe Lose the attitude and we can talk about something that isn't a hookup." I said.

"Talk about what." He said grinning.

"I can be friends with you, but I'm loyal to my husband." I lied at the end. (About the husband, she's loyal)

"Well if that's what I need to do to be by a girl like you, I'll do it then." He said smiling.

"Walk with me." I said and walked to the nearest coffee place.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Bj. Yours?"


"Well Cole what do you do for a living?"

"Well I'm in film school (🤷‍♀️). What about you."

"I'm a youtuber and kinda a actress."

"What's your last name?"


"That's why you look familiar. My cousin loves you and your brothers."

"What about you? Do you love me?" I smirked at him.

"Well I mean I like you. You're an amazing youtuber but I won't watch you 24/7." He said with his hand on his neck.

"Aw are you blushing." I teased him.

It felt like we knew each other and we just reunited after an year of not seeing each other.

We hung out for a few more hours till it was starting to get dark. We exchanged phones and went our separate ways.

I sat on the couch and watched Logan vlog. I really had nothing to do. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

A text from the Brendan North. Yay.

Brendan hey Bj

Brendan I'm sorry. I really love you and I miss you. Can we talk asap.

Brendan ok that text made me sound a little clingy.

Bj I love you too

After I sent that I powered it down and went to the roof. I sat down and looked at the sky. The stars and the moon stayed in my thoughts as I cried. I tried to stop but I couldn't, I didn't even know why I'm crying. I mean it's not like we broke up.

But why does it have to hurt so much to have a fight and leave for a few days? Maybe even weeks.

Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow and try to fix things? Maybe I should listen to Logan? Why does love make people to crazy things?

I just need think about something else. Anything just to keep my mind off things.

But it didn't help at all.


I'm bored.

I finished all my testing and I have 3 more weeks left in school. To be honest I'll probably have to do summer school.

But on the good note I finally updated. I have soccer tryouts in a week I think. Idk.

Welp talk to y'all when I post again. Except it in the next 2-3 weeks.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now