Part 25

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I felt Brenden was leaning on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek and slowly got up, when got up I made sure to hold his head, I slowly moved his head down. Before I walked away I kissed his cheek again.

L- you guys are so cute.

Bj- I thought you hate it when we get all cute like that.

L- I'll let this one pass.

Bj- I love you logan. Also I'm going to jakes house for the rest of the day.

L- you won't have fun at jakes house, just stay, (yelling) WE WILL HAVE FUN AT THE MAVERICK HOUSE!

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch. I moved Brendan's head onto my lap. I felt his hand move to my knee and squeezed it. He moved to face me, then he smiled, he made me smile back.

B- I love you Bj.

Bj- love you too baby.

I leaned down and kissed him, he held my wrist and my neck as he kissed me back. I heard Logan gag and made us break away from each other. Brendan sat up and pulled me onto his lap. He put his head in my hair.

Bj- I'm going to go back to the roof, you can join me if you want.

B- I'll be there later, see you later babe.

He kissed me then I walked up to Evans room and climbed up to the flat part of the roof. I laid down and looked at the stars till I heard someone coming up. I looked in the direction of the noise and saw Brendan.

He walked over and sat down next to me, I looked at him and moved to his lap and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around me then kissed my head.

B- you know I'm looking at 2 beautiful things right now.

Bj- you so cheesy.

I said laughing. I looked up into his eyes. He smiled and grabbed my hand, his other hand held me up against him. I smiled and kissed him. He let go of my hand and put it on my back and pushed me more into him. I felt him smiled into the kiss. We started to make out on a rooftop. So cheesy right.

We found ourselves about to fall asleep on the roof. But it started raining, then pouring. He stood up and helped me. He was about to walk off but I stopped him.

Bj- I always wanted to kiss in the rain.

B- I don't want you to get sick.

Bj- we can be sick together.

B- we are so cheesy.

I laughed and walked to where he was and was on my tippy toes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now