Part 48

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I stood next to Brendan at the grove. Probably not the best place to be when I can go into labor any second.

"Can we go home now. I'm pretty sure we got everything thing." I whined at Brendan. We've been here for so long.

"Yeah come on Bj." He said taking my hand. And guided me to his car.

As we just reached his car I felt something wet. "Brendan I'm pretty sure my water just broke." Panic washed across his face.

"Wait are you serious?" He asked, looking more scared.

"I'm pretty fucking sure I didn't piss myself." I snapped.

Brendan dropped everything in his hands and lead me into the car. He rushed to put everything in the car and rushed to the drivers seat.I winced and I shut my eyes in pain. Brendan grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

We arrived at the hospital rather quickly. I tried to sit up but the pain was to much, "Brendan, it hurts a lot. It hurts." I muttered.

"Just a little bit longer Bj." Brendan said quietly to help me relax. I nodded and unbuckled the seat belt.

He help me out of the seat, keeping an arm around my waist, he guided me through the doors. We walked to the nearest desk, Brendan told them that my water broke. A nurse came over wheeling a wheelchair over, Brendan helped me sit down and followed us (nurse and I) through the halls.

"Are you the father?" The nurse asked when we got to the delivering room. He nodded and she continued to talk. "My name is Alex, i'll be your nurse during this process," we both nodded. She continued to talk about our roles that we have to do. She left the room shortly after she finished talking.

"How do you feel," He asked.

"Like shit, it hurts a lot though." I said looking at him. He moved his hand onto my stomach.

"Are you ready for twin boys?" I smirked at him, still remembering our bet.

"Yeah. I had to deal with you for a year."He said smirking.

I smiled and leaned as much as I can. He leaned over the rest of the way and kissed me. I tried to pull away but he held my neck and pulled me closer to him. His lips found mine again. He finally pulled away and smiled at me.

I moaned in pain again, just as that happened Alex and a doctor came in. They checked how many centimeters I was. I was happy when they said I am ready for birth.

Brendan grabbed my hand and rubbed my head. "You got this. I'll be right next to you, through the whole thing." He muttered to me. I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

"Are you ready Brittany?" The doctor asked. I heard Brendan snicker.

I nodded. Brendan got closer to me, he kissed my temple. The pain got worse as the time went on. Soon the doctor said to start pushing. I squeezed Brendan's hand harder and harder.

"I can see a head."

I heard Brendan softly chuckle. I tried to smile but I couldn't.

"Almost there, almost there."

I then heard crying. I felt tears going down my cheeks. Brendan wiped my cheeks and kept his hand there for awhile.

The doctor asked Brendan if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord. He couldn't stop smiling through the whole thing, it was so adorable.

"Does he have a name?"

Brendan and I looked at each other. "Liam Miles North."

The pain got worse now. I moaned in pain, and that got the attention of everyone in the room.

"Ah twins."

Brendan walked back to my side and grabbed my hand.

"Are you ready to start pushing again." I nodded.

Soon enough the pain ended. The doctor looked at the nurses and rushed out. I looked at Brendan and saw he had tears in his eyes.

"Brendan sit down." I said. He listened to me and sat down. "Please don't cry." I said wiping his cheeks. He looked up at me and tried to smile.

One Alex stayed with us as she has Liam. She asked if we wanted to hold him. I extended my arms and he was put into them.

"Hey baby." I whispered to him, then kissed his forehead. I looked up at Brendan and he had a real smile on. "Brendan you can hold him too." I said holding bLiam out. He grabbed him and held Liam tight into his chest.

About an hour later the doctor came in. "I'm sorry for your loss. We did everything we can."

I'm sorry for your loss

I'm sorry for your loss

We did everything we can

Those words repeated in my head. I didn't even realize that another hour passed. I didn't even realize that our parents are now in the room.

"Bj." I looked up and saw Brendan looking at me. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and scooted over on the bed.

He smiled and walked over to me. He laid on his back and put a arm on my waist. "I love you Brendan." I said falling asleep after that.

I woke up later in the day. Our parents left and our siblings where in here now. I looked around and saw that Brendan sat in the chair next to me, Michela stood behind him. Jake sat in a chair that was across the room talking to his camera. And Logan stood on the other side of my bed, holding Liam.

"Log, how does it feel to be an uncle?" I asked him. He looked down at me. "How does it feel to be a mom?" He asked me.

"To be honest, I'm just tired." I said smiling.

"How? You where asleep for awhile?" He said laughing.

"Can I see him?" I asked Logan. He hand Liam to me and took out his camera. I laughed at him.


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BjjPaul: welcome baby Liam Miles North
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I dead ass thought I posted this

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