Part 9

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I woke up with a text from Corbyn.
C-Can you help me. I really like this girl but I'm not sure she likes me.
B-name and I'll see what I can do
C- her name is Alyssa and thx your the best
B-oh trust me I know

I go up and went to the Why Don't We house and saw Corbyn and the counter.

"So you really like this girl don't you." I said, he nodded in response. "So tell me about her"

"She has a bubbly personality, and when I meet her she said she enjoyed our music." He said. 

"Did she said who was her favorite?" I asked.

"She said it was me."

"Ok I'm planning it." i said and walked outside.

What if they all sing to her but Corbyn, then he walks out with a rose and then starts to sing. I looked behind me and saw all the boys besides Corbyn.

"Hey Bj what are you doing?" Dani asked.

"Planning something for Corbyn, so he can get a girl." I said.

"Oh that girl, he can't stop talking about her it's actually funny." Zach said laughing.

"You're such a child Zach." Jack said laughing at him.

"So what are you thinking?" Jonah asked.

"All y'all going to sing to her but Corbyn, then he walks out with a rose and then starts to sing." i said.

I said bye to the boys and walked back to my car and drove to the apartment. I walked in and saw everyone one the couch and Kent, Tyler, and Logan asleep so I got my camera and sharpie. On Kent I drew the superman logo thingy on his forehead, on Tyler I did a microphone and music notes all over his face, and Logan I did the best, I put dicks all over his face.

 I put my sharpie down and my camera and sat on Brendan and cuddled into him, he put his arms on my lower waist and laid on his back and had me on his stomach. He kissed my head, "good night baby." I fell asleep when he said that.


TaylorGrire:oh my gosh they are so cute together Username8:i just screamedHater2:eww gross she is so uglyDakotaHeinzman:yesssJackaverymusic:babe calm downCorbynbesson:she actually screamed[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]If you didn't read my a...

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TaylorGrire:oh my gosh they are so cute together
Username8:i just screamed
Hater2:eww gross she is so ugly
Jackaverymusic:babe calm down
Corbynbesson:she actually screamed
If you didn't read my a/n note last chapter then you should.
Ok so the boys left are
So choose carefully.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now