Part 5

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I woke up to an empty bed and heard yelling, it suddenly became quiet. I looked outside to see the boys sitting on the couch, Brendan on his laptop and logan asleep. I limped back into my room and returned with a sharpie, Brendan chuckled at me and went back to his work.

I decided to draw loser on his forehead, a dick on both his cheeks, and wrote its everyday bro and his chin. I tossed the marker and went to Brendan. He pulled me on his lap and kissed my cheek. I kicked Logan to wake him up. He fell off, me and Brendan were dying of laughing so hard. He grabbed his vlog camera and vlogged us. We both froze not wanting the fan to know about us, I think Logan saw how we were and stopped recording and put the camera down. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry ill delete it in editing." We both laughed cause well you know his face. Brendan carefully pushed me off of him and grabbed his camera. I decide to text Taylor:

Bj       Taylor

Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to know if you wanted to bring your boyfriend to la it's not too late if you guys both agree. we can go on a double date with me and my boyfriend.

yeah that sounds cool ill talk to him, but who is your boyfriend I want to know

but you don't get to know but everyone knows who he is even team ten and they all agree with me dating him.

ugh, you're hopeless I can never get an answer out of you, can I?

nope but I got to go Logan's bothering me

k talk to you when I get an answer.

I heard Logan yell, me and Brendan looked at each other and he picked me up and went for the front door. "Go wait for me at the end of the hall I'm going to get our stuff then we are going on a date." He pecked my lips and walked inside while I walked to the end of the hall and waited for Brendan.

A few minutes later Brendan came around with my crutches, my phone, a bag of clothes for us to change into, and a few of his stuff. I kissed him and grabbed my crutches from him and went to the evaluator, he walked over shortly after messed up my hair.


Brendan brought me to a dance studio, he took my crutches and leaned them against a wall and held out his hand and music started to play

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Brendan brought me to a dance studio, he took my crutches and leaned them against a wall and held out his hand and music started to play. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

He shot me a smile and twirled me the best he can then pulled me closer and kissed me soft and rough. He put one of his hands on my waist and the other handing my hand, I had my free hand on his arm and kissed him back. Our moment was interrupted by my phone ringing. I let go of Brendan and limped over their and saw Jake calling me.

Jake      Bj

Hey, Jakey whats up I'm kind of in a middle of a date.

um sorry I guess but I was wondering when you are coming back to the team ten house we all miss you... oh and do you want to do a video with your favorite brother.

Nice try Jake but Logan is my favorite but I would love to go back to the team ten house and to do a video, how about I stop by tomorrow but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and some friends coming so it has to be a shortstop.

ok see you later big sis

bye little bro

I hung up and got a text from Taylor

hey, he said he would go and thx for letting him come.

I replied with a simple your welcome. Once I put my phone down Brendan tackled me in a hug and I fell on top of him and smiled. I turned around and kissed him and struggled to get back up so Brendan had to help me.

The rest of the night was a blur and I found myself laying down with Brendan cuddled with him about to fall asleep and get ready for my long day tomorrow.

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