Part 24

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I woke up early and got out of Brendan's grip. My nose was sore but it wasn't broken. I changed out of my cloths from yesterday into new ones. I walked over to Evans room and made it to the balcony. I carefully climbed to 'our' spot. I bought my beats and was playing some of my favorite wdw songs, boomerang, air of the night, something different, M. I. A. ,invitation and a few others. (These are actually my favorite wdw songs)

I sat there for god knows how long. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Brendan.

B- I knew you would be here.

After a few minutes of silence he spoke again.

B- so what are you thinking about.

Bj- so you know that Savitar is Barry Allen, but is Barry Allen Savitar. (I was actually wondering what the answer it, if you know it plz tell me.)

He kissed my cheek then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him.

B- only you would think that, that's what I love about you.

He held his hand against my cheek and moved my head to face him and kissed me.

Bj- wait one more question.

He let go of my face and looked at me then nodded.

Bj- why don't dogs like being touched on the nose.

When I said 'touched' I touched his nose. He moved my finger to his mouth and kissed it. I put my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer.

B- we should probably go logan is looking for you.

I nodded, but I cuddled more into his chest. Brendan chuckled and picked me up. I felt him kiss my head as he was going down the roof.

His chest vibrated as he was whispering to I think logan. He put me down on the couch but before he could leave I pulled him back.

Bj- please stay.

B- Bj I can't but I'll be with you at night.

He kissed my head before he walked off. I grabbed my phone and started watching flash. When I was done with all the episodes I looked up and saw Brendan leaned up on a wall with a cup in hand and was smiling at me. I smiled back and patted the seat next to me.

When he sat down I grabbed the cup and was drinking some of it. I put the cup down and lean on Brenden, I pulled my phone out and started taking pictures of us.


Comments disabled ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()Sorry it's short and that I took forever to update but I've been very busy and you guys won't believe me but I wrote a little bit of this everyday

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Sorry it's short and that I took forever to update but I've been very busy and you guys won't believe me but I wrote a little bit of this everyday. I didn't really write much tho.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now