Part 34

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It's been a few more days in Japan and now we are on our way back to la.

As we walked through the airport Logan was definitely thinking a lot.

We finally boarded the plane(which only sat two seats) Logan sat at the window sat and I sat next to him.

The plane started moving and Logan was staring out the window with one hand under his chin(like what you do at school when your about to fall asleep) and the other on his lap. I took his hand that was on his lap and put it into mine.

"Whatcha (I didn't think this was a word) thinking about." He shrugged not looking away. "Do you miss Kong." He nodded but never looking away. "Do you miss Maverick." He nodded again. "I love you Logan, remember that." He finally looked away, he looked at me then wrapped his arm around me(we are still holding hands) and kissed my cheek.

"I remember that. You told me that more then everyday." He squeezed my hand and fixed his hair with their other (the hand when I was talking about school. Just in case you forgot).

"I don't want you to forget that, ok. No matter what I'm stuck with you and your stuck with me." I stuck my tongue at him(I said stuck so many times).He smiled and dropped his head. "Nooo I want to see your smile. I love it when you smile. It just breaks my heart to see you all sad." I learned my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Bj." He kissed the top of my head and looked back out the window, deep in thought once again. I sighed then closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up to Logan nudging me.

"I knew that still works, it's been awhile."

"Are you feeling better know. That you just needed your younger sister by 5 minuets." His arm was still around me, he started rubbing my shoulder.

"I've definitely missed this. But right now I'm feeling better."

"Good. I missed spending time with you ,we are both busy." He nodded.


We walked to the front of the airport as we waited for our Uber. I sat on my suitcase and started looking on my phone. Logan was squatting with his head in is hands. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Brendan. He knew I'm stressed with what's happening to Logan and it's making me so stressed. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm going to stay in Logan's room with him for a little bit. He really needs me." We both looked over at him and saw him sitting down and staring into space.

"I understand don't worry." He whispered then pulled me into his chest.

The Uber showed up and Brenden grabbed our luggage (his ,mine,and Logan's). I grabbed Logan's hand when he was about to climb in.

A few minutes later we arrived at the Maverick house.

"Do you want to see Jake later." He shook his. "You can go to your room now if you want and I'm going to meet you there." He nodded and walked through the door.

I turned around and saw Brendan looking at me. I smiled at him then walked over, I took my suitcase and walked through the door.

I walked to my room and let my stuff fall out of my hands. I drifted to my closet and pick med a outfit then walked to the
bathroom and took a shower.

I walked to Logan's room and saw he wasn't there so I jumped on his bed. His bathroom light is on though.

"Logan I'm in your room." I screamed.

I was texting Brendan about random crap when I heard a door open then close. I looked up and saw Logan walking over to the bed. He fell onto his bed and turned to face me.

"I'm bored." Logan said sitting up.

"Me too." I stared at Logan and saw him looking at my hand.

"When were you going to tell me." I shrugged.

"Your not mad." I said looking down.

"No, just bored." I looked up and leaned forward to hug him.

"I love you Logan." I said then buried my head into his shoulder.

"I love you to Bj. And you can go see Brenden, I'll be fine." I nodded and kissed his cheek then walked out of his room and went to Brenden's.

I saw him on his bed and looking at his camera. He looked up and smiled.

"Did Logan get tired of you." Brendan said.

"Very funny Bren, he saw my ring and then told me I can see you." I said walking over to him.

I fell on top of him (he put his camera in a safe place while we were talking). I felt his arms go to my waist, he kissed my head and moved us to our sides. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes closed. I kissed his nose and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you Bren." I said moving closer to him.

"I love you too Bj."


Sorry it's short and I haven't updated in forever. School got a little busier and I have soccer tryouts that I'm focusing on.

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