Part 41

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Waking up with morning sickness was something I couldn't get used to. I've been in the bathroom for 5 minutes, just dying slowly from this (not really). Brendan came by to check on me about two minutes ago. I didn't want him to see me like this, I was gross.

After him pounding on the door, begging to come in, I finally gave in and unlocked the door.

"Bj I know you think you look like crap but I want to see you and make sure you are ok." He said grabbing a hair tie and doing the best ponytail he can do.

"I would kiss you but there are two reasons I won't, I don't want to move, if I do I might throw up. And the second is that you're going to tasting throw up. I love you though." I said groaning.

"I love you to Bj." Brendan said kissing my head and rubbing my back slowly.

Brendan sat behind me on the floor, he carefully put me in between his legs and rubbed my waist and hips.

"I feel like I'm going to die by throwing my insides up." I whined while leaning my back against his chest.

After awhile I felt really tired from being pregnant. It's hell. Brendan's chest moved slowly as his breathing was soft. Turning around was hard considering Brendan's grip was tight but it wasn't to tight.

"Brendan wake up and go back to bed, I'll meet you there soon I just have to brush my teeth. You look tried." I said waking him up.

He released his grip from my waist and allowed me to get up. He nodded and walked out and closed the door behind him. I washed my face and then brushed my teeth. The fresh feeling made my mood lifted a bit but wasn't enough. I walked out to the hall between the bathroom and my bedroom.

Opening my door and closing it behind me I saw Brendan fast asleep, I can't blame him it is 4:06 in morning, I was the only person up right now. I flopped onto the bed and rolled into Brendan's chest.


Pam_stepnick Went to tell them that lunch was ready, but they were asleep, they did have a busy day yesterday

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Pam_stepnick Went to tell them that lunch was ready, but they were asleep, they did have a busy day yesterday.

Loganpaul A very busy day😏😉

Jakepaul I can agree with that

Username What happened.

I wake up again and thought I was about to throw up, just the feeling. I looked over and saw Brendan still asleep. I looked at my phone that has been filled with Instagram notifications. I reached for my phone, but also trying to not wake Brendan up.


The time that I woke up the second time, lovely. Brendan started to stir, I was sitting up so Brendan wrapped his arms around my hips. I played with his hair and pulled some of it out, knowing he will wake up from that.

"Good afternoon Bren." I said trying to get up.

"Are you feeling better love. Besides the fact that you look like hell." Brendan said as I glared at him.

"I fell ok." I said.

"Bj look at me." Brendan said lifting my head up. "Are you really ok, please tell me. I just want to make sure you're good." He said sending me a small smile.

"I'm ok, I promise. Now get dressed." I said standing and and pulling Brendan up.

He nodded but sat down on the bed. I rolled my eyes at his and pick his clothes to match what I was going to wear.

I wasn't wearing anything pants but I had Brendan's shirt on while he had sweatpants and no shirt. I took of the shirt and walked to my closet to pick out a new shirt. I felt hands on my waist, then Brendan's lips were on my neck.

"Really you want to do this now as I'm already caring a baby." I said picking up a shirt.

He didn't say anything but he let go of my waist, he took my hand and spun me around. He held my hips as we smiled at each other.

"Brendan go get dressed." I said before he started kissing me. I knew what he was trying to do.  "Brendan get dressed or I'm kicking you out of my room." He frowned.

I pulled away and got dressed, turning around I saw Brendan staring at me. "Don't make me dress you." I said throwing his clothes into his chest.

He finally got dressed and grabbed his hands and dragged him downstairs with me. "Look who's finally up." Jake said.

"Blame her." Brendan said pointing at me.

"Not my fault I had morning sickness at 3:35 am." I said getting food from the fridge.

"I still love you." Brendan said kissing my lips.

"Ew gross." Jake whined like a little kid.

"You say that to every couple who kisses in front of you. I'll say that you miss Erika." I said starting to eat.

"I hate you." Jake grumbled.

"Love you too little brother." I said smiling at him.

Mom came in and saw me. "I called them for you. They will be here later today." She said then kissing my cheek.

"Thanks mom." I said.

She called Amanda and Lynn so we can get this planning over.

I walked to the couch with a bowl of cereal in my hands. Brendan followed me there and laid his head on my chest.

"When are we going to tell them, our viewers." I whispered into his ear.

"When you're ready." He whispered back. I nodded and finished my cereal.

After putting the bowl down I grabbed Brendan's hand a position myself to get more comfortable. After awhile I broke the silence.

"Can we go back to Cali for my birthday?" I asked Brendan.

"What ever you want, I'll do it." He said than kissed me.

"I love you so much." I said ask as I was getting up.

"I love you too." Brendan said back.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now