Part 40

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Brendan and I went to Ohio so we can plan more for our wedding. His family is here to, along with my brothers. "Mom, are you ready? We have to pick Brendan's family from the airport, than we are going to get the dresses." I said waiting by the front door.

"I'm coming Bj." She said coming into view. 

I opened the door and walked to her car while she lock the door and walked to the car.

Where are you?

On my way to pick you family up, than going to drop your dad of at my dads house where you guys will hopefully get most of the hard stuff done.

Ok love you

Love you too

I thought about the past two weeks, I've been throwing up every morning, Brendan noticed by now but we been to busy to talk.

I looked up and saw we were here. I got out and wait for my mom. We walked inside and waited for them by the entrance. We got a little closer so we can see better, because we're being the short people are.

I saw Michela walking out while looking around. I waved to them, getting their attention. My mom noticed who I was looking at and started walking to them as I followed shortly.

"Hi Michela." I said hugging her. She hugged me back.

"Hey Bj." She said letting go of me.

I walked to his mom, Martha. "You look beautiful Bj." She said hugging me. I blushed and hugged her back.

Jeff, Brendan's dad, hugged me tight. When we pulled away mom had introduced herself. We walked back to the car were I got a text from Brendan.

Don't forget it on your way back home. Love you

I won't. Love you too

I saw a target on our back and I told my mom had to get somethings. She pulled into the parking lot, I told the I'll be quick so no one followed me. I jogged to the entrance and walked around till I found what I was looking for. I quickly walked to the cheek out and then paid and walked out to the car.
We dropped Jeff at dads house, where the rest of the boys are we then drove to a wedding dress store. I put my bag in the glove compartment and got out.

The dresses all had a long length that I noticed. Trying on a few dresses got tiring but the last three brought my energy up.

"Ok the last 3, I can't decide which one." I said getting changed into the first choice.

I walked out and did a little spin for the full view

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I walked out and did a little spin for the full view. They all like it but it wasn't the best. I got dressed into a different one.

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