Part 29

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We arrived at his house, and I saw my nightmare in front of his house.

"Wait what is she doing here." Michela looked at Brenden confused at what is happening. I looked at Brendan, you can tell he was upset, I grabbed his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt him relax then wrapped his arm around me. He took a deep breath and removed he arm. "Wait why are you so mad." "I'll tell you when we are inside." She nodded and turned her car off, she got out then shut the door behind her.

I looked at Brendan, "you ready." He nodded and got out, Angie's face lit up and she started running to him. I thought it would be a good time to exit the car. She didn't seem to notice me until I shut the door. "What is she doing here, why isn't she with her family." "Why do you care so much that I'm here." She rolled her eyes and hugged Brendan. Brendan looked uncomfortable, anyone can see that even Angie. She held him until I 'coughed'. She turned around and glared at me, she moved back to grabbed Brendan's hand, he tried to move is hand but he didn't in time. "Come on Brendan let's go inside let her found her way home." She went to drag him but Brendan didn't move. "No I'm not going in with you I'm going in with her, my girlfriend which I love and always will." She scoffed and pulled her hand out of his, rudely, she came stomping over to me. "You ruined everything, I'm supposed to be the one he loves dearly, not you." Then she slapped me and stormed off. I didn't move till Brendan move my face back (Bj was standing still with her head tilted to the right.) Brendan stared at me with worry. "I'm sorry I didn't know she'll do that." He ran his hand against the slap mark (a light pink color). "We should probably go inside." He nodded then grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

When we walked inside his sister was leaned up against a counter, I guess she saw what happened.  "So that was some show." Brendan sighed, he let go of my hand and walked to a chair. He let his head drop into his hands.

"When she went to visit me in la, she was acting like we where dating even though I told her I was dating Bj. Me and Bj got into a fight because of her, when Bj left she got into a pretty bad car accident, she had a bruised lung, fractured wrist, a shattered knee, but she was in a coma her head was hit pretty hard. For 3 months. When I first got the call Angie didn't care about her of or that I was about to cry." I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around him.
After him explaining he walked over to his room. I sighed. "I'm going to go talk to him." His parents and sister nodded they showed emotion but not as much as Brendan. I walked around till I heard something moving around in one of the rooms. I slowly opened the door and saw Brendan on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I shut the door behind me, he didn't even look up, I walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed. I stared at him the moved to lay down next to him.

We didn't speak of move often, we enjoyed the silence. Brendan turned around to face me, "I love you Bj, I always will." I leaned over and kissed me.

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