Part 30

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I woke up due to the fact that someone's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, I felt a head on my shoulder too. I knew he was awake but I wasn't sure if he knew I was. I felt him move his arm so his hand can reach my cheek.

"Come on we have to get up know it's thanksgiving," I said smirking, knowing he would groaned, "plus I want to put a good impression on your parents, they already got something yesterday." I said whispering.

He groaned again and roll over, I couldn't help but smirk. I pushed him so he fell with a bang. I was laughing as he looked annoyed at me, I wasn't one to care that was funny.

I stopped laughing and was laying on my stomach with my head in my hands, looking at him. He slowly got up and ran to pick me up, it took me to long to process it that he already picked me up.

They are going to have a moment here☺️😇

He had his hand on my waist holding me high above him. We were spinning around laughing, I wrapped my legs around his waist, he moved his hands to my back as we stared at each other's eyes, he closed the space in between us as we held each other closely and tighter. We both pulled away when we where out of breath and smiled at each other.

"I love you Brendan North." I kissed his cheek.

"I love you Bj Paul." He kissed my cheek.

Aww, what about that. Should I put more of those moments.

We both came to the kitchen holding hands smiling.

"Aww You guys are so cute."

I smirked again and looked at Brendan.

"He's not that cute but I am." I let go of his hand and walked to the counter.

"Do you want any help," I smiled at his mom hoping she will say yes.

"Mom don't let her, she can't cook." I frowned as he held my waist.

"That was mean Brenden." I said turning around.

"Aww are you mad at me now." He frowned as I nodded.

"I'm a forgiven." I shook my head he tried to kiss me but I ducked and ran back to his room.
Me being me, I don't feel like putting the actual thanksgiving meal and that are going to be back in la present time.

Brendan ran into my room, it was early in the morning too.

"Come on let's have some time together it's been awhile." I nodded just wanted to go back to sleep.

He walked to my bed, when he got close enough I pull him down but regretting it as he landed on me.

He rolled over so that he was on his back, he moved me on top of him. He has his arms on my hips while I have mine around his neck.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I'm to tried."

"We don't have to go anywhere as long as I'm with you."

"Your really cheesy, I love that." I leaned up and kissed him.

"Ok can we please do something." I sighed, I didn't want to do anything but sleep.

"Fine but you have to promise me we will get home before 9;30 and you have to stay in bed with me." He nodded in agreement.

I sat up so I was straddling him, he sat up and held my waist tightly. 

"I got to get dressed, let go Brenden." He held my waist tighter.

"We can just sleep in, I'm completely fine with that." He shook his head.

"No no we are going out on a date right after you get dressed." I groaned, still not wanting leave my nice , warm, comfy bed, with my very annoying boyfriend for not letting me sleep in.

He let go of my waist and moved me off of his lap. I was slowly moving around my room, I stopped at my closet.

"How pretty do I have to be."

"One percent prettier then you already are." I groaned in frustration.

"Your so fucking useless."

"That's what I'm here for babe."

I was going though my closet when I found the perfect thing,

I walked out to see Brendan gone, maybe he won't know that I laid down

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I walked out to see Brendan gone, maybe he won't know that I laid down... just for a second.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now