Part 11

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A/n ok all the spots are filled thx you for all the people in the story. And thank you for adding more work for me, if I don't do my post for a day expect it the next day.

I woke up to- quiet. I got up and dressed for the day^, I grabbed my camera. I walked out and saw Brendan sleeping with Kong on his legs, and best of all no Logan.

"Bren wake up we are going out to the grove, come on Bren." I said.
He started to wake up, I grabbed Kongs leash while Brendan got up. He grabbed my hand and we walked out and walked to my car.

 He grabbed my hand and we walked out and walked to my car

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(Like Logan's but has B-team instead of logang.)
I got in and handed kong to Brendan and started to drive. I got to a red light and saw some fans start to come over.

"Oh my gosh hi Bj I can't believe I get to meet you!" She said.

She handed me a book and said it was pictures of my best moments. She put a lot ofpictures of me and Brendan.

"This is so cute." I said.

I hugged her and was interrupted by honking. I looked behind me, then back at the fan and waved.
"Bye thank you for the book." i said and drove off.
"She was cool." He said looking though the book she gave me.

"Yeah that was really sweet of her to get me that book." I said looking in my side mirror, I grabbed Brendan's hand and intertwined our fingers. He lifted our hands up and kissed mine.

"I love you" He whispered in my hand. I had a smile on my face.
"Love you too bren" I said.

Our phones where buzzing a lot, I saw Brendan look at his phone.

"What's it about." I said already knowing it has to do with me, Logan, or Jake. 

"It's about us, someone took a picture of us when I was kissing your hand... it's nothing bad."

"Oh thank god. I didn't want to break up with you"I said laughing, he nodded.

"I'm glad you didn't I love you to much to ever leave you." Brendan said.

"I love you too you are my life and everything in it...i love you Bren." When I said that I just parked the car.

"I love you too." He said leaning closer to me, he cupped my cheek. I closed the gap between us. I moved my arms around his neck. We heard a knock, Brendan got up to see who it is and regret moved across his face.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"See for your self." He said.

I looked up and saw paparazzi. "Oh We are so screwed." He nodded. I got up and and grabbed kongs leash, me and Brendan look at each other, I sighed and we both got out. Brendan walked to me and took my hand while they all surrounded us and asked us questions. We both keeled our heads down and walked to a random store.

 We both keeled our heads down and walked to a random store

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