Part 43

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A/n: There is going to be a lot of time skips in this chapter
Brendan packed of our bags as I was finding somewhere for Draco and Angel to stay. "Jake can you please watch over Draco and Angel while I'm gone." I said into my phone. (Is he even going to Coachella. On well in my story he's not)

"Ok I'll do it but you owe me big time." He said.

"Ok thank you I'll drop them off in an hour." I said and hung up. "I'm so glad that Jake can take them." I said as I collapsed onto the bed.

"Ok well I'm done packing. So we have extra time" Brendan said.

Time skip to an hour later

Now we are on our ways to Coachella But first we need to drop off the pets at brother Jakes house.

Time skip again

We just arrived at Coachella and things are calm. "Bj remember to stay with me. You can stay with Logan but he'll probably be drunk." Brendan said taking my hand.

I laughed at what he said and walked with him.

Time skip

Coachella has finally begun and I stayed close to Brendan for most of the night till a crowd of people pushed us farther apart. Concert after concert I found myself bored and want to go back to the house but I didn't no how. I walked to the very back where there wasn't many people. I sat there for hours, just looking into the crowd.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw a guy. He looked familiar but I couldn't remember who. As he got closer I realize who he is.

"Mark!" I screamed as I got up and ran to hug him.

"Hey Bj." He said hugging me back. "What are you doing here alone?" He asked as we pulled away.

"I lost Brendan in the crowd and my phone died." I said looking back into the mass of people.

"I can text him that I'm with you." Mark offered.

"Thank you Mark, you're the best." I said as he texted Brendan.

After a minute he responded. A few minutes later I saw him walking over here. I jumped up and ran into his arms.

"I'm so glad I found you. I panicked when you didn't answer your phone." Brendan said. I didn't respond. We held each other tightly as Brendan rocked side to side. "Come on let's get back to the house." We said bye to Mark and made our way back.


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BjjPaul: Coachella with my favorite person @brendannorth

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Time has past and Brendan fell asleep not to long ago. I laid down next to him and felt his arm go around my waist, his hand rested on my stomach. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now