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15 years later

"Liam Miles North get down here before you I send Lilian up there." Bj North yell upstairs to her son.

Liam rushed down the stairs, afraid he got in trouble. "Yes mo-"

"Happy birthday Liam!" The North family yelled at the oldest North. Lilian North ran up and gave her older brother a hug.

They pulled away when Brendan North took a picture of them


Liam went to school on a normal football game day. As he walked to halls more people told him happy birthday, he didn't know he was that popular. His girlfriend came up to him and pulled him into a big hug.

"Happy birthday babe." Jordan, his girlfriend, said.

"Thanks Jo." Liam said kissing her cheek.

At the end of the day Bj picked up her son up. Liam was soon bombarded with questions when he got into the car. Liam couldn't stop smiling, becoming his best birthday yet. Getting home after the football game (a win), Liam looked back at his past, with his family being famous because of YouTube and even Vine. This is probably the happiest he's ever been.

When they got home Lilian rushed into the house and ran into Brendan's arms. Before Liam went into the house Bj stopped him.

"Liam I know you've been dating Jordan for a few months now, but uncle Logan once loved my best friend. When he broke up with her, just before we moved to La. she was heartbroken, it was slowly destroying her from the inside. That heart break lead to her death. I love Jordan and I know you do to, just don't break her heart." Bj said.

"Mom I wouldn't dream of it." Liam said.

Bj smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. " I know you wouldn't. You got it from me."


Omg guys this the end. I have a prequel coming out soon, called OHIO. It's basically about Bj's life before she meet Brendan.

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