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"I'm Newt. Age seventeen." I say with a grin whilst bending over the greenie girl called Tegan.

"Oh haha." She says sarcastically.

Tegan then sits up grinning at me. Our eyes are locked.

"Ready Tegan?" Alby questions.

"Ready for what?" I say to Alby, though not taking my eyes off Tegan.

"The tour, the rules, our version of orientation day Newt." Alby says calmly.

You can see that Tegan's hair gets lighter in the Summer and darker in the Winter. I would say her hair is blonde but now that I'm looking closer at it, it has all kinds of different shades of blonde. It looks like rays of sunshine.


This is so strange. Tegan is looking at me. Still. Do I have an acne breakout or a red spot on my nose? Or something else? Her mouth twitches slightly and her eyes twinkle. And suddenly, as if by magic, my fire inside me that was squelched out years ago, reignites itself and burns bigger and brighter and better than it ever was, because of that twinkle.

"NEWT!" Alby shouts right down my earhole.

"Yes..." I give Tegan the most discreet wink ever and tear my eyes away from her when I say this.

"My god." Alby tuts and shakes his head like a primary school teacher and me and Tegan are the naughty little infants.

Frypan bursts into me and Minho's tent suddenly, (that's where we carried Tegan to earlier). This jolts everyone into action once again. Frypan only did that because he wanted to let Alby know that he's cooking up bacon for tonight. Which usually means Alby is planning something special. Tegan then walks out on her own accord onto the Glade and sighs heavily with her hands on her hips, "Alby, you coming?" Tegan asks politely when she turns back, she tilts her head to one side slightly. Alby looks shocked which is hilarious. She's not being disrespectful but my god, that was some cheeky banter. I'm going to enjoy having this firecracker around. When Alby walks out and starts going over his usual 'orientation day' spiel Frypan bursts out laughing and I do too.

"She said it like she was waiting for him!" Frypan said in between whopping great laughs.

I chuckle. "Yep. She's going to make things very, very interesting me thinks." I say, trying not to piss myself laughing at this stage.

"Meow. She's a Sass-squash! She'll squash you one second flat with all that burning sass! Absolute queen." Frypan says whilst wiping the happy tears away from his eyes.

We look at each other for a second in silence. And burst out laughing all over again at the same time and we ended up rolling on the floor laughing our socks off. Not that we have socks anyway.

"Weirdos!" A mocking voice yells from outside. Then it giggles.

"Listening in to our conversations!"

"Great comeback Newt!"

Frypan looks at me a second. Waiting for my reaction. I open my eyes wide and pull a funny shape with my mouth then tell him he better start cooking up that bacon. He sticks his short, fat tongue at me but does what I says. I smile. I better get started on my work and all. I start limping out mine and Minho's tent and start slowly wondering after Alby and Tegan who are deep in conversation.

"I had this in my pocket. It explains it all." Tegan says nonchalantly.

I limp-run to catch up.

"Whaddeya find in your pocket Tegan?" I say loudly a few seconds before I reach the pair.

Tegan spins round, alarmed. Alby just looks exhausted.

"Nothing, nothing." Tegan says, pushing the subject aside. Harshly.

Before I can even open my mouth to respond Alby cuts in, "Newt. Take greenie here for a walk. Show her the wall. I got to go to my tent. No one will disturb me right Newt?"

I am alarmed by the worry laced into his voice. He's normally so calm and collected. Me and Minho share a tent, Gally and Alby share one. All the rest has their own hammock underneath the shelters which are much better than they were a year and seven months ago.

"Wall?" Tegan asks, slightly confused but calmer now.

I'm glad about that.

"Trust me?" I ask, looking straight into her beautiful brown shining eyes.


Before she can say another word I grab her hand and start walking spritely to the wall, swinging our clasped hands in unison. Tegan looked at me strangely when I first did this action but didn't object. When I first grasped her soft hand I felt a sizzle of electricity. I don't know why. I walk her over to the wall which takes us five minutes from my tent, by the time we getting there we are laughing and joking and still holding hands. I don't know it just feels right.


It's just cause it is a girl Newt. Male provado acting up because of the attention of a girl. Just teenage hormones.


"Ohhh Newtie?" Tegan says then nudges me gently in the ribs. Newtie? That certainly brings me out of my demented thoughts.

"Newtie?" I look at her.

"Yep. You ma friend are Newtie." I look at her and grin widely with my tongue licking my lips the tinest bit, (wait wtf Newtie! Newtie?! No)! and tilt my head slightly with a questioning look as we glide to a halt.

She looks at me then drops her stare to the floor. She then twizzles her left ankle in half circles, (which is extremely attractive). I then laugh to myself. I make her nervous and she knows it. Tegan then tugs on my arm. We get to the wall thirty seconds after this.

"Ah I see," Tegan begins. "When every greenie comes up and eventually remembers his or in my case - her - name then they carve it into this wall?" She said with a cheeky grin on her face glad that she, a greenie, is telling me this and figured it out all my her ownsome.

Well, it's not that hard.

"Yep, that's right shank." I mutter and hand her the blade.

This is where she let's go of my hand. I feel somewhat empty then and that sizzle of electricity which was coursing through my body is gone now.

"And I'm guessing," she says whilst carving her name into the wall with the blade, "That all the names of the boys that are scribbled out are not with us anymore...?" I smile sadly and nod, "What happened to them?" She asks, her voice very slow and her legs swaying only the tiniest bit.

"You alright Tegan? Your legs, they're-" She interrupts before I can finish.

"Yes. Yes, I know. Now answer my question Newt." Her voice is more serious now. She's glaring at me too.

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers to chill her out, when I do this I feel her muscles loosen.

"Panic. Fear. Suicidalness. Stung by grievers." I tell her, my voice soft.

Memories flash before my eyes. I push them aside at once. I look at Tegan who is just staring at the wall. Tears glint in her mesmerising eyes. I squeeze her hand. She turns her head to look at me. I know what to do. I pull her arm, pull her closer to my skinny body. I let go of her shaking hand and hug her tight. It's a long hug, so warm, so sad, so wet. I feel my shoulder getting slightly damp. Me and Tegan are the same height almost. I'm the teeniest, tiniest bit taller. I rock us and all while making shoosh noises.

It's happening.

She's My Glue// NewtWhere stories live. Discover now