The wrestler winner

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"Light it up!" I yell and chuck my flaming spear onto the bonfire along with the keepers.

Gally starts handing any takers for his drink, Callum being one of them. No surprise there. Frypan is busy cooking and Winston is watching the fire. I've recruited Max to keep an eye on Callum, especially since he likes Gally's secret recipe drink. I feel thin yet muscly arm's snake around my waist.

"I'm going to get the boys out of the pit." Tegan says.

I spin her around, "Where's Izzy?" I ask her.

She thinks for a moment, "There she is!" Pointing to a feminine figure walking towards us.

"Izzy, can you get the boys out with Tegan please?" I ask and she nods smiling.

I can tell she really wants to be friends with Tegan, very much so. Tegan does too, she just has severe trust issues so she struggles to open up to people.

"Hey Izzy." Tegan says linking arms with her as they head to the pits.

I walk round scouring the bonfire and the shenagins going on around it. Making sure that everyone is having fun but still being safe. I don't want anyone hurt. I hear two thundering steps behind me.

"Newtie!" "Patootie!" Tommy and Minho scream after one another.

"Bloody hell you two." I say as they full pelt ran at me and tackled me to the floor.

I get up and they jump up like bloody ninjas, Tommy being the loveable clumsy one.

"We just wanted to say we're sorry." Minho says.

"Thanks Minho. Tommy?"

"Sorry too. Can-can I do my runner trials tomorrow?"

I grin, "Yeah course Tommeh."

He squeals then pretends it never happened.

"Minho where's your girlfriend?" Tommy asks Minho.

Minho claps him around the back of the head, "She's not my girlfriend. Izzy is over there anyway, why don't you go ask her." Minho sasses.

Tommy goes over there just chatting to Izzy and Tegan I notice Minho's hand goes into a tight fist. Tommy trots back a few minutes later.

"She's fine." Tommy smiles.

Minho growls, "I'm going to talk to her." And he prances off.

I see Minho being his sassy self and he's flirting a bit. He takes Izzy away to try some of Gally's special drink. Tegan just stares after them then starts shaking her head and laughing. She sees me staring at her, because I am: she's beautiful why wouldn't I want to stare? Tegan walks up to me and kisses me innocently and gently and wraps my arm's around her.

"Thomas, Chuck looks a little lonely." Tegan says pointing to a sitting Chuck on a log.

"I'll go to him." He says smiling like a little kid who was offered to go buy himself a lollipop.

Chuck is not allowed Gally's drink and Tegan and Tommy are like elder brother's and sister's to the poor lad. So Tommy runs off to Chuck, who's noticed him, who's face lit up.

"Everyone!" Tegan yells, "Since it's decent weather anyone fancy a whole Glade sleepout?"

Everyone cheers and whoop-whoops. I smile down at Tegan, she brightens up the whole Glade for everyone.


An hour later lots of people are drunk, or at least tipsy. I've got a glass of Gally's drink but I'm not getting plastered. I watch as the wrestling circle forms.

"Tegan! You ready?" Gally hollers in the middle of the circle.

It takes a moment for me to realise what he said. I walk to the circle. Winston and Izzy are chatting. Izzy is absolutely ratted. I think nearly every guy in the Glade has brought her a glass of Gally's drink. Sober Chuck and Tommy stands with a also ratted Minho opposite Izzy and tipsy Winston cheering along. Drunk Quinn, Ed and Emmanuel are taking bets on whose going to win. Tipsy Frypan is just clapping, watching, waiting with sober Jay, drunk Ricky and pissed Callum.

I walk in the middle, "Quiet!" I boom and silence falls, "Gally you had any drink?" He shakes his head no, "Tegan have you?" She shakes her head no, "Then this is a fair match. To surrender hold up your left hand up in the air for more than five seconds. In order to win, you must either push your opponent out if the circle or pin them to the floor to ten seconds. Got it?"

They both nod.

"Ready to lose?" Gally jokes teasingly.

"In your dreams." Tegan responds in a fighting position.

"WOAHHH! SASS QUEEN! I'M SO PROUD!" Minho screams.

Everyone claps and laughs.

"Are you sure baby?" I whisper in her ear, holding onto her hip's.

"Yeah." She smirks, confident in her fighting/ wrestling ability.

The match begins.

Gally is quick to charge at Tegan, but she's quicker. Gally ends up crashing onto the floor like a bull in a China shop. He jumps ups and tackles Tegan to the floor. He lays on top of her back, holding her writing and preferred right hand down so she can't use it. Tegan however does a one-handed press up with extremely heavy Gally on top of her with her weakest hand, her left. Everyone goes mad at this. It's a cacophony of noise. Tegan gives a final buckaroo push and Gally falls off her. Tegan jumps to her feet, Gally does too. They circle each other, playing it out for the crowd. They run towards each other and wrestle, Gally is almost pushing Tegan out of the circle. All throughout this is screams and cheers and encouragements. Tegan flips round and pushes with a huge amount of force Gally out of the circle into Quinn, Ed and Emmanuel. The Glade practically explodes at this. Gally gets up and bows to Tegan, she curtsies. They then hug each other. Tommy and Gally pick Tegan up and put her on their shoulder's and carry her around for a good ten minutes until finally she is let down. Gally starts drinking and Frypan starts cooking. Tegan comes up to me with a proud smirk and I just lick my lips. I then crash my lips onto her's and she responds immediately, as if on instinct.

"Stop sucking each other's faces off, ew!" Callum yells.


So me and Tegan continue anyway, her on tiptoe to try and deepen the kiss. Eventually I have to pull away for air as does Tegan. Tegan pulls my hand to talk to Winston. Gally comes up too and joins us. Gally and Izzy start talking and then Minho, Chuck and Thomas all joins the conversation. Izzy and Minho are flirting with each other like owt.

"Food!" Frypan announces.

As you all have hopefully noticed, the cover for this Newt fanfiction has been updated. I didn't make it but my fellow Wattpader TheOceanOfHarmony designed and made it after I made her a request for it. I just asked for Newt to be on it, for it to be clear but to get people's attention. It has I hope yeah. I also mentioned that Tegan has long blonde hair and this is what she came back with. So congrats to the amazing TheOceanOfHarmony. Thanks so much I love it. It's so professional looking and you have real talent. Please check out her two stories Fame and Populars not my type and her cover shop book where you can make your own requests for covers.

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