Brother in arms

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Tegan's POV

Suddenly I hear a series of loud bangs, it makes me jump so when I open my eyes I'm laid on top of a smiling Newt, his British accent soothing me. His grin gets bigger as he supports himself up with me still sat on his lap, straddling him. He moves my hair on my right and tooks it gently behind me ear that makes me giggle. His huge hand's, (compared to my tiny one's), stay on my face, slowly stroking my cheek.

"SHIT!" I scream after loads of thuds and clangs and bangs.

"Newt, the lift." Chuck says quietly.

Then he screams it because we all know he's right. We all jump up and sprint out of the tent as fast as we could. I end up giving Chuck a piggy-back ride as he didn't keep up with his little legs.

"We're here." I say panting and plopping Chuck on his feet on the floor.

"Jesus..." Clint mutters, peering at the lift below.

I catch my breath, already knowing what I'm going to do, "Let me!" I declare as I jump in the now open lift.

"Tegan, what do you see?" Alby yells. I reply but I don't think he can hear me, "Shuck-faces SLINT IT NOW!" Alby roars.

"It's a boy. No supplies, he looks your age Newt, seventeen." I nod to Newt.

"What's that in his hand?" Minho questions me.

"A note," I pause because I'm picking it up then I read it out loud. "It says: He's Tegan's older brother."

Wait what the actual shuck? I have an older brother? I have family here now?

That's what I ask myself before I start to black out. During my black out I see glimpses of the boy in the lift. I scream they come, memories:

He's actually quite good looking my bro is, I always say and mean that in a sister way. I've again and again said he has dad's black hair, (though dad's is grey now or at least what's left of it it on his bald head); and I have mum's blonde hair. He has dimples a lot like me and we have identical moles right under our right eye. My brother Thomas is always looking out for me. He's very overprotective that boy. I'm not too bothered though and he's always there if I fell out with a mate or family anyone really. Thomas is very funny and we are always having a laugh and a wee giggle whilst playing on his Xbox one. Well, the Xbox one part was before WICKED but we still laugh a lot together to this day. He also teases me but that is just our sibling banter.

I remember that one time at WICKED when I told him I fancied this boy who was at the lab like us who we have both grown up with.

Thomas always teased me: "You love one of your brother's best friend's?! TEGAN LOVES NEWT! Why you little...!"

Then he'd chuckle and told me that Newt has been telling him for months and months apparently that he has been falling for me all of our lives' - like I have for him - and been asking Thomas' permission to ask me out. That's how me and Newt ended up dating, back at the lab because do you know what my devil of a brother did to me and poor Newt? Locked us in a room where we couldn't escape and wouldn't let us out until we told each other how we feel about the other. Thomas did let us out though when we started making out roughly, with me pushed against the walls and us grinding on each other. He said it'll take him time to get used to. Then, he proceeded to threaten Newt about if he hurt's me blah blah blah. After that very weird experience and Newt asking me out and me saying yes, all three of our's best friend's Minho, Gally, Alby, Winston, Siggy - that was his original nickname but we all re-nicknamed him Frypan - and Chuck walked in and we broke the fantastic news.

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