Therapeutic lessons

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I get up and I'm now drenched in mud. Well, it's nothing I'm used to, I am a track-hoe afterall. I limp back to the Glade and smile at Zart and he waves.

"Newt can you weed the onion patch please?" Zart shouts over to me.

"Sure Zart." I respond.

So I weed and weed and weed. Track-hoing has helped me - and continuing to do so - psychologically repairing myself slightly after I attempted suicide. It breaks my heart to think Tegan and Tommy were watching. WICKED Is so cruel, they're heartless. There doing all of this to kids, teenagers. They probably murdered Frypan's parent's. Winston has no idea what happened to his, he left on bad terms as they didn't accept him being gay so he moved in with Tegan and Tommy. As for my parents - whom I still do not remember - I have no idea what has happened to them. Or anything about them. Tommy, Tegan, Minho, Winston, or Frypan has mentioned nothing of them - only I grew up with Tommy, Tegan and Winston, (mainly Tommy and Tegan though). So maybe I should ask them I don't know. They may be dead. I was at WICKED a tad before Tegan, Tommy and Winston; that's all I know. Now, previously I've said it doesn't matter who we were before the maze and that them people are gone. But maybe one day, one day, I may get my true and full memories back. I am the person I am today, those memories won't change that - I just want to know about my family, childhood, just all the silly or crazy or exciting or action-packed or drama-filled times ya know? Well, I certainly take out all my stress and on the onion patch. It's now clear of weeds. Weeding and not talking to anyone sometimes is peaceful and you can think. Wait - normally I chat to Tommy when weeding lots - where is Tommy? I haven't seen him since he woke me up. I stand up on two feet now, my right knee clicking and my left foot tingling as it's got pins and needles in it. I hobble over to Zart who is talking to Ricky, Winston's boyfriend and fellow slicer.

"Hey Zart! Where's Tommy?" He looks confused, "Thomas."

"Ohhhh right yeahh. That shank tripped and fell down the dip in the potato patch, he's with the med-jacks with some ice on his right ankle as it's swelled up. Not broken or dislocated or damaged really - I know Clint came up to me a couple of hours ago to tell me - but his ankle is still swelled that's why he isn't here." Zart says with a bemused smile plastered across his pale face.

"Jeez, I'll go check on him." Zart nods and goes to scold a lad who I can't make out, (I think he's accidentally pulled up a carrot that is not ready yet), "How're you Ricky?"

He looks shocked for a moment then he recovers himself, "Yeah I'm fine, so is Winston and me. He's amazing ya know." He then blushes, Ricky is not normally a 'soppy' and expressionate of feelings kind of guy.

"Yeah, I've heard good things about Winston. Tegan speaks very highly of him."

Ricky smiles and pokes me in response, "How are you? And how're you and Tegan?" He asks smugly walking towards the medi-hut with me.

"Yeah I'm alright. Tegan is alright as she can be. And as a couple we are doing great. We're both very busy, her more than me, but we always make time for each other. She's the one who's given herself two extra jobs ya know."

Ricky nods, still smiling, "Hey Newt what is the time? Tegan is back soon I think."

"Oh yeah, it's eleven forty am. So twenty more minutes till she's back. Then half an hour until dinner. But today she's going to displine Quinn after an incident."

"Oohhh, I can't wait to know what she does. I'm kind of curious to be honest mate."

"So am I, so am I. Hey why're you by the gardens? Zart want some manure or something?"

"Yeah. Did you know there's a rumour going that Frypan is doing some kind of recipe he got from a cookbook that he requested a couple days ago."

"That'll be interesting." I say positively as I wave goodbye to Ricky.

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