Winston- rags to riches, (in more ways than one)

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Winston's POV

"Now me..."

I love most parts of my life.


I did.

But that was before WICKED.

My story, rags to riches.

Rags at home.

Riches in love from friends.


I loved all the old holidays you had. Halloween was probably my favourite, even after I stopped trick or treating. And before WICKED of course. This day and age some people don't need costumes, like the cranks. They're scary enough. You'd see your whole town or village or city or wherever you lived come to life. Little kids running round on hyperactive mode because they've had one too many sweets with their sticky hands. Or you'd see the older kids in dark hoodies and clown masks scaring the shit out of the trick or treaters in forests or on the streets.

But now is different.

I don't see no village with hyper little kiddies.

I don't see no town strung with Halloween lights and all the street doing a competition for the scariest house.

I don't see no city with the streets bursting with people all ages, clutching their sweet bag like their life depended on it.

I see... White. Light blue. White again. More white. Grey. Black. White white white.

That's WICKED for you. All the life and party all sucked out of it.

An empty shell.

The youngest of my squad is Chuck. He's ten.

Minho, that sarcastic dickhead of my mate always seems to keep grinning and puts us in stitches sometimes with his jokes that are that bad that we cry with happy tears.

He's in the trials. The Maze trials.

Gally, the rock solid opinionated dude with the dodgy eyebrows. Not that friendly if he doesn't know you, but great if he does. Super protective.

He's in the trials. The Maze trials.

Alby, the in-charge, and kind guy leads us and he's got the most experience.

Experience of WICKED.

No one know's his story. He says no one will...

He's in the trials. The Maze trials.

Frypan. God, I love him as a mate. That sassiness has no filter. I love it! He's an amazingggg cook too. Not that he cooks much here at WICKED.

He's in the trials. The Maze trials.

Newt. Blonde British lad. One of the most strong, (though he doesn't look that strong, especially compared to buff Minho); is the most lad-lad boy you will meet. He's also one of the most understanding and go-to guy. Tegan, (Newt's girlfriend, Thomas' sister and my best friend), once called him The Glue. Because he glues us all together. Uniting us.

He's in the trials. The Maze trials.

Thomas, Newt's and Minho's best friend. I'm close to him but Tegan is my best friend. Thomas is extremely, EXTREMELY protective of Tegan and me. And Chuck and all of us really. He's so funny, natural funny, he doesn't even try and it's great. He's great.

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