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"They were very morbid and spoke a lot about their bloodlust. They didn't make any crass comments etc etc or advances towards me because I think they knew Minho was r-"

"More like because they know how Newt feels about you and how Newt's got you. They wouldn't dare go up against Newt for a number of reasons. One, Newt is Newt. Two, they only respect him. Three, Newt is second-in-command. And finally four, they know who'd win in a fight - Newt." Minho cuts in and sasses.

Newt waves off Minho and Thomas walks off to find Winston.

"I better go to the sloppers then. What exactly do they do?" I question Newt as he picks up a macheti and starts wacking it at another tree stump.

"Sloppers. They're the people who aren't really good at anything, you know, skill wise, they can't help it. Or they can't be bothered, only some are like this though. So we get them to do the jobs no one else wants to or have time to do. Like washing, or cleaning the toilets and showers. Or the kitchen."

"Today, we'll be cleaning the kitchen, and only them three over there," This boy points to a group of boys, "Who are the ones who can't be bothered. No one has time really to help our skills. But thank you Newt, for understanding, unlike some Gladers." The boy nods to Gally seen from afar.

"Tegan, this is Max, Keeper of the sloppers."

"Aye. I'm Tegan, as you've gathered. The only girl in the Glade." I say warmly, offering my hand to shake it.

He shakes happily and pulls away clutching his arm.

"Bloody hell Tegan! You nearly pulled his arm out his socket." Newt laughs out cheerfully.

"Well, at least she's got a strong handshake." Max comments.

I can feel him staring at me, it makes me uncomfortable.

"Ahah ahah." I respond.

"We better get going, Tegan." Max says in a weird tone.

"Okay, I'll see you Newt." He nods so I walk off with Max.

I look out of the corner of my eye and see Newt deep in a whisper conversation with Minho. He thinks I don't know.

"One second, Max. I'll be just a minute."

I stomp to the two boys and they break away immediately as soon as they are in earshot.

"Stop!" I yell, exasperated at them both.

"What?" Minho questions, trying to look innocent, Newt's face is hard as stone.

"I don't need a bloody babysitter! Newt, okay? I can handle myself with a bunch of boys."

I could see Newt's face soften when I said 'bloody', it's an English word and apparently back before the Glade I would steal English phrases from Newt.

"I know you don't need a babysitter." Newt says, shrugging.

"Then why'd you get Minho to jog around and around in the deadheads, keeping an eye on me on his day off? Hmm?"


"No! Listen to me, Newt. I. Can. Handle. Myself. You lot are just a bunch of boys. I can fight my own battles. I can stay with other boys on my own, you know. I don't need you swooping over me, watching me twenty-four-seven. I'm a big girl for god's sake. Stop being so jealous Newt!" I shout at him then I stomp off to Max in a huff; he doesn't mention it.

All we do is clean. Clean the showers. Clean the kitchen. Clean and tidy the tool sheds. We don't clean the toilets though thank fuck. It's so boring. No one sings or laughs and there's no humming, not like when I was being a track-hoe. There's only Max's continuous chatter. I think he's trying to chat me up, but a spoon full of sugar isn't enough for me to get down.

Minho's POV

I've stayed with Newt after what Tegan said, she didn't do it in the right way - you know - having a go at Newt and accusing him of being jealous but, she did have a point.

"Minho, am I in the wrong here?" Newt asks me quietly, flopping down onto the dry, cool grass.

"Mate, she shouldn't have had a go, or accused you of being jealous."

Newt nods.

"I just want to protect her Min." He says sadly, playing with some dandelion fluff.

I flop down beside him, "I know pal. Tegan knows too. You gotta see it from her point of view," I begin like a wise master - which I am - "She feels like you're a hawk, surrounding her, she's a lark who wants to be free. Now, larks are loving and will commit to people, but like any bird - hawk or lark etcetera - they need freedom and space. So, I see where she's coming from in some respects."

I am great at this metaphor lark - see what I did there? Anyway, my metaphorical terminology is on point ma friends. On. Shucking. Point.

"I suppose I am a bit jealous. A bit. I'm not doing this because I'm jealous though. She's the only girl living amongst thirty to forty boys, I don't want any complications. I don't want her to come to harms way. I mean, she's my girlfriend still, well, technically, we never broke up though. That's why we're taking it slow mo. Min, what does that even mean?!"

I laugh at one of my best friends and his confusion about girls.

"I don't know. Do I look like I have an Uterus to you?" Newt chuckles softly, "I know she loves you, she probably doesn't want to mess it up." I say truthfully enough.

"But Min, she could never do that-"

I but in: "Newt! See it from Tegan's point of view, a girl filled with anxiety and depression and I suppose the Aspergers doesn't help. Tegan has trust issues shank. So remember that." I tell this distressed blonde next to me.

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