New greenies

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We wake up on top of the lookout tower just as the sun spills over gloriously over the metal and concrete confinement of the maze walls. Tegan stirs so I just kiss her on one cheek, then the other, the tip of her button nose, then her forehead, then her chin. Then on the lips. I afterwards slide my mouth behind her earlobe and starts gently kissing. Tegan gasps and I chuckle against her pale skin. I love my lips downwards to her collarbones. When she can't take it anymore she tilts my head back to her lips with a small smirk. She then kisses me with more passion this time. She kneels and so do I. I hold her hips and she wraps her arm's around my neck. Then I hear a familiar sound. A familiar sound too soon. Tegan jumps up and jumps of the lookout tower. Lands on her feet. Like a badass feline. Again.

"How's that for a badass feline huh Newt?" She yells up to me sexily.

"Tonight you're mine baby." I say.

Tegan waves a flirty wave and sprints off to the lift as I climb down. Everyone was already at work. They let us sleep. Bet Minho organised it.

"Jeff! Minho in the maze?" I ask the med-jack.

"Yeah. He took Thomas too."


Tommy hasn't even been assessed or trained or anything. Why did Minho do it? Well, I trust him and Tommy but he should have asked me. I've got no time to get pissed as I stop at the lift where everyone is waiting for me. Gally opens the lift doors and jumps in, he held his hand out for Tegan and she jumps down too.

"It's a boy and girl. Oh and a note." Gally shouts up.

"Read it!" Clint says impatiently.

"It says: The boy and the girl are not siblings." There's murmurs, "There's more on the back! Slint it!" Everyone does, "Tegan is getting too knowledgeable. Watch your back or we'll take serious action."

My stomach turns and Tegan's head snaps up towards me. Before anything else can happen the greenies stir. First the boy.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why am I here?"

The greenie boy sounds so scared. They are probably but a few questions flying like a swarm of bees in his mind. The boy is tall and quite good looking and he looks Tegan's age - sixteen.

"Hey! Hey, greenie. I'm Tegan, can you tell me your name?" Tegan says gently as the greenie is squirming in a corner.

Gally meanwhile is poking the girl gently.

"Cal-Callum." He stutters.

Callum is Tegan's height and her age I reckon, (sixteen). He is tanned with dark hair and dimples. He has big, ebony eye's and his hands are strong - so is the rest of the boy's body. He is not buff but muscly. He could train to be a runner? I don't know. He seems in awe of Tegan, he's looking at her in a weird way. Callum smiles a white smile and Tegan takes this as a symbol that it's okay to respond.

"Hey Callum can you stand for me?" Tegan asks.

The guy greenie Callum stands and Gally introduces himself and helps him out. Tegan stays with the girl, just looking at her. It must mean something for Tegan to finally have another girl. Maybe the wrong time as the griever inspection is tomorrow is though. Callum stands at the end of the lift getting pats from all manner of boys. Suddenly we hear faint crying from the girl.

"Hey, hey. My name is Tegan, greenie. Greenie means newbie by the way. Don't worry about my boys, we're all family." Tegan says warmly sitting next to the girl.

The girl greenie seemed calm at this statement and let a few more tears fall. The girl has pale skin with freckles sprinkled across her distressed face. Her face is framed in shoulder length brown hair that is in waves - it's wavy I mean. She seems a tad familiar to Tegan I reckon by the looks of things.

"Izzy? You-you... Went to my old school, you are the same age as me. I wanted to be friends and you were really shy so I left you with Wilma, Poppy and Stella..."

Definitely familiar.

"I don't remember anything..." Izzy cries quietly.

She definitely looks shy. I look at the other boy's reaction's. Chuck looks hungry - for food. Ed and Emmanuel and baggers co look evil. Frypan looks thrilled. Max looks interested. Tegan sends away everyone back to work but Callum and I.

"Izzy, I'll explain everything tonight, okay? Newt and I will get you out of here yeah?"

So Izzy gets out, looking absolutely bloody terrified. Tegan says for me to give the tour and she'll arrange the rest.

"Come on greenies." I say reassuringly.


So over the next two hours I give them the tour and they carve their name's on the rock. I learn that Callum is a bit full of himself and he doesn't seem to care how Izzy is reacting. He just wants to go off exploring so I have to lay down the law. I send Callum off with Emmanuel for a trial for the baggers. Then I send him off to Max, then Frypan, then Zart, then Winston, then finally Gally until Minho gets back that naughty shank. Izzy does the same but the opposite way round. It's now three o'clock and Callum is sent back pissed off from Gally and Izzy comes back disturbed from Emmanuel and the baggers. I've sent Chuck to help Callum set up his hammock and WICKED has sent a bed for Izzy so Tegan has a roomie now. I actually feel as if I'm getting close to Izzy - in a mate's way. I think she'll be a girl mate and the one I come to for girly advice, stuff that Tegan won't exactly talk about lady issues to Tommy. Plus, Tommy is not a female so he doesn't understand the female being. Oh and Minho, Minho is in trouble. But I suppose he's got a shock. He asked for a girl and the beetle blade got it - maybe the girl is for him - probably not. It's probably some sick joke and experiment that WICKED has created in order to see how we all react, especially Minho most likely. Minho is definitely going to have the shock of his life though when him and Tommy gets back. Which is now.

"Minho! Tommy! Get your bloody arse's over here you sorry sods." I yell, stomping towards the boy's who came out of the maze.

Suddenly Tegan is behind me.

"They went into the maze." She says quietly, figuring it out.

I nod, "What the bloody hell do you think you were doing Minho?! Tommy is not trained. I know you remember him from WICKED and know he's probably capable, but, he doesn't know the maze like we do." I say at a slightly drooping Minho, "As for you Tommy," I begin turning to him, "I'm disappointed with you. What made you think that it was a good idea? Hmmm? You could have gotten stung, or killed." And Tommy droops considerably.

"Well, what did you find at least?" Tegan says angrily.

"Nothing." Minho says.


So thanks to my competition winner MockingjayRunner for creating the character of Izzy who you will hear more of. Don't worry I'm still using the stories as the guideline but I'm adding the spice of fanfiction. Go check out MockingjayRunner and all of her Wattpad contributions.

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