Child games

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"It's okay. I'm here." I whisper.

Gally nods to us then walks out. Alby lifts Chuck up, cuddling him and carries him out with Frypan following saying he'll cook some bacon for Chuck.

"Hey Win." Tegan speaks softly.

"Hey Tegan, you scared me." Winston says kneeling down to Tegan who's still on the bed, he grasps her hand.

"You better let go Win, Newt's jealous." She jokes weakly.

Winston chuckles but when he sees my face he let's go.

"Can I just point out I don't fancy Tegan, she's my big sister and best friend." Winston grins with tears falling down his tanned face.

"I don't like Winston in any romantic way." Tegan mutters.

"Okay." I smile.

"I fancy somebody else." She smiles mischeviously, "Winton knows, but you are not gonna know."

"No shucking tell me!" I shout, "I'm not mad I just really want to know."

Tegan smiles to herself.

"When can I get up?" Tegan asks quietly looking at her blood-soaked body.

"Now if you like, I'll get Clint or Jeff for some bandages to be put on you. They didn't actually get a chance." Winston says, he clears his throat and walks out.

Tegan sits up and motions for me to sit next to her. I sit on the bed on her left.

"So, other than your injuries are you okay?" I ask, concern clear in my British burr.

"No. I feel like he's gonna come and get me at any point. I know, it's silly." Tegan says trying to be brave, "What's gonna happen to him?" She whispers to me.

"He'll be banished in the maze. Punished. We'll shove him in the maze when the doors are closing and then he belongs to the maze. He's dangerous. He'll attack one of us. Infect us. He'll kill us." I say quickly.

Winston walks in just after that to see Tegan silently crying next to be.

"What have you said Newt?" Winston asks with no emotion.

"Win, chill he's explaining about Ben. I get why we have to banish him but it's still upsetting." She mutters to us then Jeff and Clint walk in.

"Out. Both of you." Jeff says.

"Why'd we need to leave?" I ask with a threatening voice, not wanting to leave Tegan.

"Because we said. We don't want Tegan being uncomfortable."

I'm about to speak but a soft hand grips my tense fingers and a voice pleads with me.

"Please?" Tegan asks.

I give her a hug.

"Okay. I'll wait outside." I grumble in Tegan's long lock's.

After ten minutes Alby collects Winston to help with getting the banishing ready. I start to get impatient but five minutes later Tegan walks out, most of her body in bandages but she still looks beautiful to me.

"I know, I look like a toliet paper roll." She laughs.

I shake my head. I love this girl so much - she literally has almost been beaten to death and she's here, still kicking and fighting with a cheeky grin on her face.


"Oi Newtie. I'm going to my tent, can you fetch Chuck and take him there? I'm too tired to find him. I wanna-wanna se-ee him." Tegan yawns.

"Yeah course princess." I say.

"Princess? Pffff. I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream hun." Tegan flirts and saunters off.

I decide two can play at that game.

"Nice legs!" I yell after her.

She turns around walking backwards and blows me a kiss. I find Chuck in a matter of minutes and explain to him about Tegan. As we're walking to the tent Chuck strikes up a conversation.

"Newt, you haven't made your move yet." Chuck grins, although you can still see tear stains on his rosy red face.

I smile softly, "Because she don't like me like that." I say, shrugging my shoulder's.

"I beg to differ..." Chuck mutters barely audiable.

"What?!" I exclaim.

I want to know what he meant but he grins deviously and runs into Tegan's tent. When I walk in there's hugging and crying and laughing and clapping.

"Chuck, let me teach you Baby one baby two baby three."


"So it goes..."

And she explains it perfectly. Chuck gets it straight away and they do it really, really, really fast both laughing their sock's off.

"Newt, you try." Chuck chimes at me.

I raise one eyebrow at him.

"Pleeaaasseee Newtie?" Tegan pleads.

I'm sorry I cannot resist. Ugh.

"Fine, fine fine." I grumble.

I didn't get it for five minutes but then I did and it was so fun. It reminded me of the childhood which I know I had, I just can't remember.

A little cute Newt romance for you. A longer chapter is on Friday, I just thought I'd treat you sweetly with this adorable chapter. Thomas is here next! So keep reading :) all.

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