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Newt's POV

Teegs is talking to Chuck now. I hear music too in the background. Real indie and rock and hip-hop music all rolled into one. It's played on makeshift instruments or just from using their own bodies.

"Alby? A word?" I say, walking up to Alby.

He nods and Ben - who he was talking to - strides away sniggering. Minho however walks up to Alby and rests his arm on Alby's shoulder. He shrugs it off.

"Alby, I'm staying with Teegs tonight. If that's okay?" I ask quickly rocking back and forth on my heels.

I may be second in command but I still need to check with Alby. Plus, I'm only in charge when I'm filling in for Alby.

Alby grins, "May I ask why you want to stay with Tegan in her tent tonight Newt?" Alby starts smugly.

"Dirty shuck-face! Make sure you use a condom though Newt!" Minho says loudly and wildly.

Then, he starts pissing himself and making smooching actions with his thin lips. Alby gives him a playful shove and Minho walks off to where Tegan is with Chuck by the music. She's right in the throng. Tegan stands in the crowd of hormonal, and slightly drunk teenage lads. She takes it all in her stride. Smiling at everyone, laughing along. You would never have guessed she has anxiety or depression or having Aspergers. I know having Aspergers isn't bad. It's a low-medium level of Autism. But it does make life harder for that person and the people around them. And of course obviously it is bad having anxiety and depression.

"She was very tense when she heard the maze and the griever." I say to Alby quietly.

Alby nods. We stand in silence for a moment or two. The music gets louder and people start dancing with each other. Break dance and flips. The robot and the Mexican wave.

I break the silence, "She's my glue, Alby, and I'm thankful." I say quietly as me and Alby are watching a beautiful girl dancing with Chuck, the youngest of us all.

Alby looks at me with so much happiness in his ebony eyes. A tear starts falling onto his face.

"What's wrong, Alby?" I ask, this is worrying.

"I'm just happy for you."

"I've been in the Glade for a year and seven months now Alby, as you know. I'm sorry, I still hate every second of every day, well, I used to before Tegan came. Well, in all honesty, I still hate every second of every day but Tegan makes it bearable. Just. I mean look at her. I don't believe in perfect but, she's the closest thing to it." I say passionately.

Tegan walks up to me slowly, her eyes never leaving mine. She tugs my arm hard and she starts dancing to the beat.

"Come on Newt!" She yells over the even louder music.

"I can't dance!" I respond.

"Oh don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me." Is Tegan's answer.

"You're holding back!" I say.

She says: "Shut up and dance with me!"

So I do. I can't get over this breathtaking girl. So for her, I allow myself to get into the swing of things. Even with my bad limp leg I can still jive around. I have Tegan's hand the whole time. This occasion she is reassuring me. I start spinning her round and around. We're laughing and laughing. Our grin's a mile wide. Clint and Jeff joins in and they end up making out which no one minds. We dance for an hour or two but my legs starts to twinge horribly and my breathing gets heavier and heavier. Tegan gives me worried glance and we sit down in a comfortable silence for a minute or two.

"Alright everybody," Alby shouts.

Everyone stops what they are doing and starts listening in.

"Bed now everyone I'm afraid!" Alby announces. Everyone groans. "It's late shanks so come on." Alby says enthusiastically, ignoring the groans.

Everybody does as he says though. I clasp Tegan's warm hand. Again I feel the magical feeling when this happens. We walk slowly back to Tegan's tent. I lean against one post to catch my breath. I turn around to see Tegan sitting on her hammock plaiting her long, blonde hair in red knickers and a red bra. I can't take my eyes off her and have to get my breath back.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim.

She gives me a funny look.

"Newtie, it's humid and boiling. It will probably be a bit stuffy tonight, especially with the two of us in here together. Anyway," She pauses, "I was going to sleep like this whether you were here or not."

She grins and let's go of her hair which is now in a strong plait. Tegan sits on the hammock, swaying it gently as I get unchanged. I sleep in only my boxers every night so tonight will be no different.

"What're doing?" Tegan asks me puzzled.

"I normally sleep like this. Lay down Teegs." I say gently.

She obeys. I walk round to the other side of the fresh hammock to lay behind her and she grabs the covers and pulls them on top of us. It's a one-man hammock so we are very squished and I end up spooning her, at this she pulls my arm over her and wraps it around her little waist.

"Goodnight Newtie." She says yawning.

"Night." I say, my eyes already drooping slightly.

After I say this I feel the rise and fall of Tegan. She's already asleep bless her. I smile to myself. I wonder why she puts my arm over her. Probably to make her feel safe. That's all. Nothing more. I go over today's events in my mind. Is it possible that one human can feel this many emotions in a single day towards someone they just met? I've felt pity, understanding, humour, a connection, electricity, worry, jealousy, admiration, devastation, anger, regret, hurt, sorry, pain, fancy, lust, tiredness. And loads, loads more.

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