Love is loud

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The next moments are a blur. Gally, Clint, Jeff and Frypan grab Alby off me and Minho and run him to the medi-hut. Chuck is sobbing and rugby tackles Thomas out of the way so he can give me a hug first. Minho bro hugs Winston whilst this happens. Winston unlatches Chuck and gives me a bear hug whilst Thomas and Minho bro hugs. I see Newt slightly further back and he looks fuming. I give Thomas a big hug.

"Saw a griever?" An unknown Glader to me asks Minho.

"Yes, and the princess killed it."

There's gasps and cheers then Newt stomps towards us.

"Back to work. You - come with me!" Newt shouts and he grabs my wrist and starts dragging me along to my tent.

"Somebody's outraged." Minho mutters to Thomas.

"Good luck to her." Winston mutters back.

"What's your problem Newt?" I ask annoyed now that I was literally dragged to my tent - he didn't hurt.

"You! How dare you leave the Glade when you're not trained to be a runner! You could have been killed or stung! That was so shucking dangerous! You shouldn't have done it-" He starts yelling at me so I cut him off.

"I wasn't gonna leave Minho and Alby! They definitely would have suffered a terrible fate if I didn't go in! And Minho had a word when I first sprinted in. I don't see why you're so shucking mad at me!" I scream at the outraged boy.

Newt is shaking with rage, his face red, his hair a mess and looks like he's ran his fingers through it several times. Suddenly he grabs my hips and shoves me against a tree and slams our lips together and we start kissing me roughly and passionately.


I kiss back straight away of course and I can feel him smirk into the kiss. He taps my left thigh and I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and he supports them by holding them underneath. He pulls away for breath and scowls at me then smashes our lips together again. He licks my lips for entrance and I let him in. Our tongues battle for dominance.

"Newt!" I say breathless.

He starts kissing my neck and a little groan escapes and I clasp my hand around my mouth and he chuckles against my neck. Then he licks it.

"What in Earth are you doing?" I question and Newt puts me down but I'm still pushed up against the tree.

"Never do that to me again," He sighs and kisses my left cheek, "I mean it, don't do that to me." I grab his hands and he kisses my right cheek, "I was a mess without you." He kisses my chin, "I was foul to everyone." He kisses my forehead, "I love you. Even if I can't remember the live we had during WICKED and even before I still love you. I've fallen in love with you all over again. I try to remember that by the way. I've missed you like hell. Although I knew you'd survive - because you're strong - but I didn't want you hurt or stung. I'm so proud of you." He says quickly and with a serious tone but I understand it all.

I give him a short, sweet kiss and his lips are still puckered when I pull away which makes me laugh.

"You look so funny like that. Anyway, I love you too Newt. Even before I got my memories back I fell in love with you all over again like you said."

He sighs heavily and smiles, "You're my glue."

"You're the glue remember? I named you it, it's your subject name." I say giggling as he's re-grabbed both of my tiny hands compared to his.

"I may be a glue but you're my glue. You fix and mend all my pieces. I fell apart when you were gone." He says genuinely then gives me a kiss with love and appreciation with it.

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