Minho- memories

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Minho's POV

Everyone is silent now. Now it's my turn.

"Me-me next." I stutter which is unusual for me.

My story is a simple, short, sad and sarcastic one.

I lived in China with my mum and dad and little sister Sakura. Or well I was going to have a little sister called Sakura, we thought anyway. Mum said she was pregnant and hoped it was a little girl. So she named her Sakura. Mum wasn't actually pregnant. It was a ghost pregnancy. This is when your body thinks it is going to have a baby when it's not. There was no baby. No miscarriage because there were no baby in the first place.

That shook my family hard.

But when it happened it was worst.

The sun scorched the Earth.

Buildings collapsed.

Millions roasted alive.


But what came next was much, much worse.

The Flare was out.

Killing everyone.

Making them psychotic.


Mum got it.

She killed dad.

Because of The Flare.

That was earthshattering for me.

To see my mum with that disease.

To see her kill dad.

You see, The Flare is a virus that attacks the brain cells. Destroying reasoning and moral. Makes you violent. Homicidal.

So WICKED came and took me away before I was killed. I don't know what happened to my mother but I can only guess. These guess' are most likely right and they are the worst thing ever...

I loved China. The bright lights.The language. The food. The city buzz.

The only buzz I get now is in my ear after WICKED has just forced an experiment on me. And my other friends like Chuck, Alby, Frypan, Newt, his girlfriend Tegan who is Thomas' younger sister, (Thomas is also a mate), and Gally.

Because of what happened I built up walls.

Walls of protection.

Walls to block people out, so they can't get in, so I don't hurt them, or them me.

That's why I'm sarcastic.

It's my defense mechanism.

My mates know this. And they are so acceptable of me. Even though sometimes I am I suppose a self-centered dick.

Now everyone has to participate in the Maze trials. Every month they send someone in these new 'Maze trials'. We've got two years until this will happen.

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