Glade queen/ Glade momma

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I look up and see Newt. He's the first thing I notice when my eyes snap open, when a very light headache comes.

"Tegan." Newt says with his mouth in his hand's.

"Newt! What am I doing down here? Oh right... Get me out of here!" I scream, realising I'm in sort of pit after remembering yesterday's events.

"All the runners have quit. I'm going to have to talk to them in the afternoon. You've got the morning off from running then training starts this afternoon love." Newt says softly, staring down at me with those deep brown eyes.

I feel so bad for Newt sometimes. I really do. He hates it here. I know he does, he's told me. Newt says I make it better for him but when he thinks I'm not looking he looks depressed, bewildered, exhausted.

"Hey, why do you think Ben and Alby got stung in the day?" I question Newt finally.

I see his hand's go to his chin and he does that sexy face when he's thinking and concentrate.

"I-I don't know. It's never happened before. You know, a Glader been stung in the day. Never." Newt says to me. He pauses then says: "You're cute."

"You're an idiot, get me out!" I chuckle.

I love this dude so much it's unreal.

"Fine. But I get to sleep in your tent tonight." He grins mischeviously at me while he pulls me out the pit.

(We like to tease each other jokingly).

"I love you." I mumble into his fit chest.

"I love you too princess." He murmours then he picks me up bridal style and I start laughing.

"People are staring Newton!" I giggle.

Newt looks around at Minho and Gally and he slams his lips into mine and adds tongue.

I push him away, "Newton! Not funny!" Newt smiles and kisses me on the forehead, "So what are you doing this morning?" I whisper to his chest.

We're almost at my tent.

"I have a couple of ideas love."

"Kk Newtie."

"Oi! Do not call me that!" Newt says all mock anger as he puts me down outside my tent.

"Nope, sorry Newtie. What you gonna do about it?" I challange with my arms around his neck, his hands on my waist.

"This." And he's got me at my weak spot, my neck.

Shucking bloody hell fire.

"You sure?"

"You're my girl I'm comfortable. You alright with it baby?" Newt says groggily and I nod vigorously.

"Come on babe." I murmur and I lead him into my tent, pulling his hand; he grins.

We don't go all the way but we still have some fun around here - Get your head out of the gutter! - and by that I mean we make out with tops off. We're not interested in going further. We both will develop hickies too on various places.


"Newt? Tegan? You two frisky shanks in there?" Someone yells from outside my tent.

"Newt chuck me my hoodie quick will ya?" I whisper-yell.

It lands on my head and I giggle as it's comfortable wearing just a hoodie over a bra.

"Come in shank." Newt hollers and Minho walks in.

"Newt they're ready." Minho says without looking up, then when he looks up he tries oh so hard not to break out into hysterics, "I was gonna say Tegan are you ready for some exercise but it looks like you two has just had some." Minho then bursts into hysterics - again - when he realises that my brother Thomas followed him in and heard all of that.

"No Glader babies." Thomas mutters then walks off grumbling about: "When Chuck gets a girlfriend..."

And more inaudible words to which Newt blushes and I laugh at how sweet and adorable he is. So as I pass Minho I give him a hard punch to the shoulder just for good measure as I saunter past him, mustering dignity.

"Dude your girl's punches hurt." Minho whines.

Newt laughs and walks to the group of ex-runners sat on top of the lookout tower.

"Right then Glade queen/ Glade momma..." Minho smirks devilishly.

Glade momma?

This is new.

Oh my lord... It's because I'm second-in-command and Newt is leader. We are a couple too; people are saying we're the mum and dad of the Glade.

Jesus Christ I had a lot of kids! Hahaha. It's a bloody joke. Get it?

Minho works me hard but I manage to keep up with the buff guy and he says I'm an equal match for him to which I grin at. Minho at three o'clock says I've got time off now. He also says he's gonna go sass a working Gally as he and the builders are building my own private bathroom attached to my tent.

"I'm gonna go see if the med-jacks need me." I say when he asks if I want to go join him.

I wish him good luck and walk to the medi-hut. Turns out they do need my help as a boy called Devin has dislocated his ankle from falling off a ladder. Clint asks me if I can hold down Devin with Jeff whilst he pops it back into place and to calm the poor and quite frankly frightened fifteen year-old mite down.

"He's going to be fine if we do this very soon, so he won't have any problems if we do it in the next minute." Clint says seriously.

We need to do this soon before he gets any long-lasting damage.

"Right Devin I need to be brave for your Glade queen and Glade momma as I get called. Hold onto my arm and squeeze it however hard you want okay? Trust me?"

He nods and holds on tight.

Jeff says on three and Devin nods permission then:

"Three!" Clint shouts and dislocates his ankle back into place.

Devin gives an ear-splitting scream then sighed now deeply drenched in sweat.

Urh chapter thirty-one and I'm just doing this - sorry, I forgot.

These characters aren't mine:

Tegan, Max, Ricky, Ed, Emmanuel, Devin, Quinn and maybe a couple more are all my characters. So credit due to credit due to James Dashner.

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