"I am not being a fucking bagger."

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"Wow, I thought you'd be the first one to sleep with Tegan Newt. Not little Chuck here and Winston." My brother Thomas jokes.

Winston yawns and pokes Chuck awake. Win after this goes and grabs his shirt on then sits back on my comfy bed. Chuck excitedly goes and hugs Thomas and gets lifted up by him. He's thrilled. Me? I'm under the covers. Not wanting to show off anything.

"I've already slept with Newt. Platonicly. It was on my first night. It was because I heard the maze doors closed and it startled me. So Newt here insisted on staying with me. I had no top on or jeans. And Newt was topless with no trousers on, just boxers." I respond and Thomas just laughs and tells me to get my lazy arse up.

"I need to get changed first."

Thomas ushers Chuck, Winston and Newt out of my room quickly and protectively. I run and change my pad and get into the same clothes as yesterday.

"Glade meeting, now shanks!" Minho was repeatedly yelling.

When I arrived I sat next to Thomas. Disturbing and disgusting Emmanuel came and sat next to me. He's eying me up and Thomas was giving him the death glare. I shifted against Thomas and he budged left thankfully, understanding my simple gesture. There was a space and Chuck sprinted red-faced to get it so I wouldn't be sat next to Emannuel. I gave him a warm smile and a side hug as thanks. Minho, Newt, Gally, Clint, Frypan, Winston, Max, Ed, Zart and Alby was standing in front of the wooden pole fence barrier.

"Why isn't Newt over here? He's not a-wait. He's second-in-command so he would be-yeah nevermind." Thomas stutters next to me, talking to himself.

"Requests, Tegan! A bin,  hair clip, a box of photos. And Tegan thanks for asking for better medical stuff that will benefit everyone!" Clint says happily to me, then hands me my stuff and I smile graciously.

"Why'd you need a bin Tegan?" My curious brother asks next to me.

I explain about pads and he nods and laughs heartily.

"Winston. Better and sharper knives and machetes for everyone! Fantastic. Ricky you take these. And for you personally, a box of photos." Alby says warmly.

Ricky takes the general and Win takes his photos.

"Everyone who's asked for photos look at them later." Gally warns.

"Chuck! A teddy. Jeff take these quilts and pillows please. Thanks for thinking of everyone else, Chuck." Max says.

"Ed and Emmanuel, here are your parcels. Don't you bloody use them on others though." Newt spits out, obviously quite disgusted.

I don't even want to know.

"Thanks." Ed mutters who was standing next to Frypan.

"For me, hair gel. And watchers for all my runners to tell the time and spare for the two leaders and all keepers. And one for our Glade princess."

I feel privalged with being given a watch. Alby gets some more clothes and other boys asked for comfort things. Or better clothes. Frypan asks for loads of ingredients, recipes and cooking stuff. Chuck looks delighted at this.

"Right, everyone. Put your stuff away. Tegan give that bin to Gally. Gally you and the builders get on with the project. Thomas, go with Ed and co. Then Max will collect you. After go find Gally. You'll do two hours trying each job."

"What about me? I've tried all jobs, and I can't be assessed for a runner for another couple of weeks."

"Princess, do whatever. Wonder round and help. Mainly have a chill day though. Minho, I'll be running with you today to retrace Ben's path. Newt you'll wave us off. You're in charge. And I've created a new rule: give Tegan or any girls privacy. Thanks guys." Alby says calmly.

Newt looks worried but nods anyways and does as he's told.

Thomas' POV

There is one thing for certain that I know, for definite: I am not being a fucking bagger. The two hours were torture and I'm glad Max is already waiting for me. I wave and he returns it.

"Hey, Thomas." Max greets me, "Now, I know you've probably still got a lot of questions but I know by now a lot has been answered." He pauses, "So please don't bombard me with questions." Max smiles and I laugh.

I do ask a lot of questions. I'm curious too. Max is an okay guy but I couldn't deal with the slopper job. Like I want something a bit more exciting. Different but exciting. Now I go to find Gally. Turns out I'm helping him build a bathroom just for Tegan in the woods which attaches to her tent. They've already cut a bit from her tent with the wooden structure attached. I do my best to help with the roof part but I cannot build to save my life; but I'm strong, (and yes, it shows but I'm not buff like Minho); so I just lift the heavy things back and forth like a sheep being herded. Gally is in his zone. This is his forte.

"Tegan! Hey, Tegan. What time is it?" I question my sister because since she's the only girl in the Glade then she gets a watch.

"Three o'clock Thomas." She replies with a grin.

"You look happy. What've you done today?" I ask her, also smiling.

"Well, I waved off Minho and Alby with Newt and made Minho promise he'll come back. Then I ran round the whole Glade for two hours. I managed ten laps-"

"My god! That's tons. Well done Tegan! I did tell the boys that we are good runners. Especially you."

She punches me playfully on the arm then continues, "Then I helped Newt in the gardens for three hours. Then the last hour I helped in the Medi-hut with Clint and Jeff."

"Guys, it's late." Clint says walking up to us.

"Klunk yeah. Where's Alby and Minho? Shouldn't they be back by now?" My sister asks, her smile faded instantly.

Sorry, I forgot. School has been absolute hectic.

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