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Newt, Thomas and Minho all try to object but I raise my hand and they shut up, thankfully. But they don't look pleased about it either way.

"Gally! Need you here! Now please?" I call out.

"What have you done now?" He sort of accuses gruffly.

"I challenge you to a wrestling match and you're to not hold back on me because I'm a girl. Do it like you would any other time. Do you accept?" I say confidently in front of around thirty-six boys.

"Challange accepted. I'm going to take you down." Gally smirks.

"The people who try to take you down are already below you." I sass.

Minho and several others burst out laughing like Thomas. But Newt doesn't look impressed. Other Gladers all go: oooowwwwwwhhhhh at my sassy comeback making Gally's funky eyebrows furrow in anger. Gally then stomps off into the opposite direction before he could open his mouth. I think that's because Newt threw him a look that said: you dare. I am pleased with myself. I am stronger than I look and I used to do martial arts before the Glade. I remember everything so I think I'm going to start training again. Gally's mate's definitely underestimate me. Well, I'm going to prove them wrong.

We play for another hour and more weird dares and truths go on. I had to sit on Newt's lap for all of it. I also had to give Jeff a piggy-back ride. I as well had to talk in a Jamaican accent for ten minutes. Some dares of the boys included sticking a clean period pad to their hand or boys having to kiss me but on the cheek I said; I looked at Newt and he nodded but he weren't happy. He's angry and jealous. I can't blame him but he must know I'll never leave him. I got some weird truths though, like:

"Have you ever stripped naked not at home?"


"What's your most creepy obsession?"

Weird I know. But hey, our situation is.

"Guys! Bed now, come on." Newt says yelling so everyone can hear but he has a sour face; he then looks at me and his face softens, "I'm coming with you baby."

"Is it becau-"

"Yes, okay yes."

I giggle as he's admitted it. He takes my hand and that familiar sense of electricity returns, the one that I love so. He takes my other hand and it doubles. Then he just makes out with me there and then, his hand gripping my hips whilst I rest my hands around his neck. We finally detach and we are both breathing deeply. Then he does it again. Whenever I see Newt my knees go weak, whenever he smiles, (when I'm not having an Asperger's meltdown or panic or stress or anxiety attack), I'll smile too - I'll grin - it's contagious, I can't help it. Newt makes me feel like I'm on Cloud Nine when he kisses me. I get lost in the kiss, the feel of his lips against mine. How they can be soft, wet, rough, chapped, sore, smooth, perfect. It's not just Newt's kissing that makes him special, it's him - all of him. His thick British accent that makes my heart melt as he's my sunshine and I am ice-cream. I always know if he's in the room or around because I could be blind but still manage to find my way to him, to his incredible accent. Newt is tall so I don't look face-to-face with him which I don't mind because he pecks me somewhat fondly on my forehead. He's strong as fuck though he's got this lanky lean body frame. Newt has gorgeous, pale blonde hair that is messy, natural, attractive - especially when he runs his hand's through it when he's angry or stressed or worried or thinking deeply.

"Newt! I need to breathe!" I exclaim and he pulls away smirking.

"Newt I'm guessing you're keeping Tegan company tonight are you?" Win chuckles.

Newt flicks him off smiling, "Yeah, it's getting colder and she needs more heat." He says casually so I smack him gently in the stomach.

"Oi! That's not why you are staying with me. It's because little Newtie here is a bit jeal-" I'm stopped by Newt's hand over my mouth.

"Goodnight Winston." He says embarrassed and Win just chuckles and says it back then walks to the shelter.

"Sweet dreams though I doubt you'll be getting any sleep!" Frypan yells jokingly, me and him are getting close recently.

"Ew you bastard I'm a virgin!" I yell back and Newt mutters something but I couldn't hear, "Pardon Newt?"

He shakes his head, smiling to himself, "Good that."

"Good that." I reply.

"Tegan I want a hug!" I hear a high-pitched voice.

"Come 'ere Chuckie." I laugh and give him a hug, "Walk back with Frypan yeah?" He nods happily and skips over to a waiting Frypan.

"Tegan, I want to say nan night."


"Hey bro, again. Have fun with Min-Min. G'night."

"Love you sis. I'm so happy you were okay before I came." I nod.

He smiles, hugs me then heads the wrong direction away from his, Minho's and Newt's tent.

"I'll grab that shank in a sec. Come here Glade momma, little Min-Min wants a hug nan-nighty." I laugh heartily and gives him a hug, "Thomas shank! Wrong shucking way mate!"

Newt laughs and I join him then we head towards my tent.

"Tomorrow will be two more days babe till me and Minho examines that griever. Three more days then I can run alone. I do enjoy running with Minho but we'll cover more ground and I want to prove myself."

Newt stops me and stands in front of me, "You don't need prove yourself sweetheart." He then leaves a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I do. Not everyone likes me her ya know shank? Like Gally it seems, Quinn, Gally's other builder buddy's."

"Well, the maze and Glade has changed us. Other than you Minho, Winston and Frypan we don't remember anything. I mean here definitely had an impact on me."

My smile fades instantly, "Promise you'll never do that again Newt?" I ask darkly and quietly.

She's My Glue// NewtWhere stories live. Discover now