Gally's kid

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"Newt can she do this?!" Quinn exclaims.

"Yes, she can."

Tegan smiles and gives me a side hug and then her smile becomes an icy glare, "Hopefully with that dead griever I killed we'll be able to get put of here in about two days."

She turns to me and pecks me on the chin because that's all she can reach bless her.

"Dismissed Quinn, Max. Minho, can you do me a favour?" Minho nods with a smirk, "Can you get Frypan, Chuck and Winston to meet at Thomas' bed in the medi-hut please?"

"What did your last slave die of?" Minho sasses but jogs out even so.

"Bye Max, Quinn." Tegan says sweetly as the pair walk out the door quietly.

A few minutes we, (me, Tegan, Tommy, Minho, Gally, Winston, Chuck and Frypan), are all sat/ stood by Thomas. Chuck is sat comfortably next to Tommy crossed-legged on his bed chatting to Tommy widely about something whilst Tommy seems as equally excited. Minho is sat with his legs open on the floor with Winston doing the same next to him and they seem to be chatting about blades and spears and different kind of weapons. Frypan is sat on a spare bed flicking off flour off his apron and I'm sat on a big, comfy chair with Tegan curled up on my lap, she sits fiddling with my fingers quietly. I'm peacefully cuddling her. Her long locks tickling my skin and her heartbeat matching mine. So peaceful.

"Hey guys?" Gally asks and we all shush to listen, "I just wanted to say sorry for being such a shuck-faced shank - or as Tegan put it a shucking shanker wanker." We all laugh at the Tegan quote from a couple of days ago, "But yeah, I'm sorry. Thing is, um, I've had these visions for a couple nights now since Thomas came up - well, they're memories."

Everyone is extremely quiet.

"Memories? In visions? How come your the only one getting them in your dreams at night?" Chuck pipes up and asks.

"I don't know, Chuck. There not information about WICKED - or much anyway. I don't remember all of my life, just a certain part and person." Gally smiles as if his mind is replaying it.

"Eloise." Tegan mumbles, "Eloise? She was in my dorm at WICKED. I-I didn't want to say anything because I know it would upset you, Gally. I'm the only one who knew about her because even though I weren't in her group, I still had to dorm with the girls. WICKED Forbade me to tell you guys what happened in the girls' dorm and you lot never asked - only if I was okay and if I got any trouble. I didn't, I just said they were nice. I-I knew Eloise, I was the only one other than two others called Harriet and Sonya - sorry Liz." Gally, me and the others nod, taking it all in so Tegan continues: "Newt, I'm sorry too. Elizabeth is nicknamed Liz by her friends but you nicknamed her Lizzy - she's my age - she's your mum's best friend's kid. Her mum was besties with your mum. She came into WICKED three months after you were sent into the Glade. She was like a sister to you. Liz was a lesbian so there was never anything there between you."

I nod to myself, getting a sense of familiarity from the name Lizzy though I still don't remember.

"There's something else, Gal."

"Tegan, you'll upset Gally." Winston warns.

"He needs to know, it'll hurt him but at least he knows the truth."

Me, Minho, and Gally are looking confused, Tommy looks depressed, Frypan is silently crying. Tegan is silently crying too and gets up slowly then sits next to Frypan on the spare bed.

"Gal, on your last night at WICKED Eloise came in at three o'clock with two WICKED guards escorting her-"

"Tegan, are you sure you want to say?" Tommy mumbles.

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