"I fight with my people."

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Tegan's POV

"Klunk yeah. Where's Alby and Minho? Shouldn't they be back by now?" I ask the boys, my smile faded as I realise.

"Newt! Come 'ere!" Thomas yells.

"Yeah Tommy?"

"What's happens if they don't make it?"

Newt frowns, "They're gonna make it."

"Yes but what if they don't?" Thomas persists.

"They're gonna make it." He says definitely and we all shut up.

An hour later we are all stood at the maze opening. Waiting. The doors close in a minute. Suddenly I see my two boys and I'm the first to notice so I start yelling and everyone stands up.

But something's wrong.

Alby is walking but he's being supported by Minho.

He's unconscious.

Minho is really struggling.

He'd been like this for hours probably.

"The doors!" Someone screams as we hear the bangs signalling the closed doors.

Minho sees and panics, drops Alby with a thud and tries to pull him along holding his ankle.

"You can do it!" Chuck shouts.

"Come on!" Thomas yells.

"Minho! Leave him!" Gally roars.

"Minho you can do it!" I scream.

Everyone's screaming encouragement and Minho is screaming in pure frustration. He's not even at the door point he's still got a bit to go.

"They're not gonna make it." I hear Newt say beside me as the doors are almost shut and Minho is doing it slower.

I see the doors almost shut and I'm not losing Minho and Alby.

I sprint through the gap of the maze, "TEGAN NO!" Newt screams.

I see him try to run after me but gets grabbed back by Thomas and Gally and Win who ensures him that he won't make it and will get squashed.

I'm bolting it as fast as I can

"Tegan!" Zart yells manicly after me.

to get through

"Princess no!" Fry screams.

without being squashed.

As I started running I felt hands just miss me to hold me back: Thomas' and Newt's. They brushed warmly against my skin. But thing is I wasn't going to leave two of my boys.

Minho looks up at me with anger erupting on his face, "Well done, you've just killed yourself!" He shouts outraged.

"Min, I am the queen of the Glade and some people resent royalty because they send others to do the dirty work or send others to fight for them; not me. I fight with my people." I declare and he grins at me, exasperated but at the same time: proud.

That grin soon fades as we hear a hard, metal clank banging the surface of the cold, stone floor in the far distance.

"We need to keep Alby safe."

"How are we supposed to do that Tegan, huh?!" Minho asks, slightly getting on edge.

I look around for inspiration, I see wild ivy that has took over one side of a maze wall; "The vines."

It doesn't take long for me and Minho to hang Alby in vines and propel him above the ground with the ivy safely wrapped around his chest.

"Our best bet is to keep running most of the night." Minho says, breathing heavily and I start to hear tapping.

"Minho, what's that tapping?"

Suddenly some goo drips heavily and vastly onto my unsuspecting shoulder.

"Klunk Minho run for your life!" I wail as I spot a hideous half metal, half oversized terrifying bug monster above us.

Minho gets the message and sprints away. He yells for me to follow him. And I do. We lost that greiver; thankfully. But that didn't mean we didn't meet any others. We run around the maze for hours on end until me and Minho are forced to split up which scared the klunk out of me; but I keep on doing what he says - keep on running. When it's pitch black - two o'clock to be exact - I hide behind some ivy vines from the grievers. The door opens at six and I wait two hours then I fall asleep for one. The next hours before six am I find Minho - being chased by a griever - again.

"Tegan! This way. This section's closing so we'll loose it down here!" Minho yells at me as he sprints past me.

I have a sudden idea.

"Come on bitch! Come to me you shank!" I scream at the griever scuttling towards me.

"Tegan - come on!"

I frustrate the griever and I get it to beckon me very closely without being stung.

"TEGAN!" Minho screams as I lead the griever down a closing passageway and only jumped out the gap in time, squishing the griever - without being stung.

"You're the most bravest or most reckless shank there ever was and is!" Minho shouts triumphantly.

He leads me down a safe corridor of the maze and I hear the clangs of the maze doors opening.

"Alby, we need to get him first." Minho says.

We go and collect a still unconscious Alby from high-up in the ivy and since we've both slept - even a little and Minho is a runner so he is one of the strongest and fastest - so we care him with ease.

"Minho - grand entrance!" I say with a grin on my face and he smirks back at me.

I peak around the corner, my eyes welling up seeing familiar faces.

"Come on." I mutter as I hitch up Alby.

Hey chickas! Merry Christmas! Sorry I haven't been here for a while. Nearly all of Monday I was off school ill with a severe migraine, (and I suffer with them badly - I was violently sick ten to thirteen times), and Tuesday I was still ill too. (Not a migraine but still headachey and extremely weak). I've been totally exhausted so have been suffering with that too. I've also had flu symptoms and Scarlet fever is going around the local primary. (I've not got it or had it but I've had symptoms). I've been ill with a bad cold, cough and sore throat and you would not believe how many cough sweets I've had. Honestly. I wasn't ill Christmas but whatever illness is going around my parents have had it over Christmas slightly. Which they didn't mean to or could help but they're feeling better now and we still had an amazing Christmas. I realise that this is really long and the chapter itself wasn't that long but I've got another one for you guys and girls straight away but I needed to get all of that off my chest.

P.s. Just ignore Teresa in the chapter picture sorry.

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