The last wish

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FIFTY CHAPTERS LOVES. FIFTY!!! Just want to say a quick - hopefully - thank you to everyone who has been involved. Readers, silent or not, voters, the Wattpaders who's left lovely and heartwarming comments, the people who gives me much needed feedback and constructive criticism. I thank your patience all of you and that you are on this journey with me and the Gladers. Sorry the fiftieth chapter was such a depressing one xxxx.

Newt's POV

And the light flickers on. We're in a long winding corridor that somewhat resembles an abandoned bit clean hospital my Tegan says. We walk down the corridor in the direction that Winston suggests. Eventually, we get to a huge, grey metal door that has a flashing red light sign above that reads: EXIT.

"Seriously?" Frypan asks sassily.

"Be careful, get behind me." I motion my love of my life to stay behind me.

She actually obeys for once and Tommy is first to enter... The lab. The lab is littered with shattered glass and machinery and shards of metal. Izzy picks up a bullet and when she realises what it is she drops it immediately. All of us start to explore and we discovered that the lab must have been attacked recently: there's still fresh bodies spotted all over. Me and Minho walks past some rooms and there is two bodies on operating tables, the sheets pulled over their head's, the sheets stained with blood. I grab Minho's arm and gently push him away from the horrendous sight. I see Tegan the other side of the lab with Chuck, Frypan and Winston and I smile. All is okay, we've escaped. I look on a futuristic-like screen and I see what a beetle blade sees - the Glade. No sign of Gally.

"Hey, Newt! It's you." Chuck says from across the way.

Me and Tommy rush to him and I see me and medical details on the screen, the next screen is Winston.

"What's this do?" Tommy says wondering.


"Hello, my name is doctor Ava Paige. You're all probably feeling scared, angry, frightened, confused. It's okay you feel that way, but you see you're special. You won't remember it but our sun has scorched the Earth..."

The screen is playing the video with the tight-faced woman I remember, it's now showing scenes of fire and devastation. I hear Teresa and Izzy's cries. I must admit I get teary too.

"-But what came next was even worse. We call it The Flare. It goes into what we call the kill zone. It's a virus that invades the brain knocking out all sense of reason, humanity and sanity. You see, you brave survivors are special, you're immune to it. We at World In Catastrophe Kill Department are trying to find a cure. You've been tested under harsh environments to see what makes you special, what makes you different."

Suddenly bullets start in the background and the glass two-way mirror behind Ava Paige smashes into a million and one pieces.

"Not everyone agrees with our work - as you'll soon find out."

She holds a pistol gun to her temple...

"It may be to late for us - for me - but it's not for you. WICKED is good."

And she pulls the trigger. Teresa, Izzy and Tegan scream and Tegan hides her now soaked face of sobs into the dirty crook of my neck.

"She said we were special." I comment.

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