"It was your first night here."

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"Tegan!" "Newt!" I hear simultaneous screaming first thing in the early morning.

Newt and I leap up. Newt has armed himself with his machetti out and he's pushed me behind his back. I see Minho topless and Izzy wearing Minho's t-shirt sprinting towards us. I point this out to Newt and he puts his machetti away. I'm surprised no one else was shook awake to be honest. Naturally, Minho reaches us first.

"We-we..." He starts heavily.

Izzy reaches us with hickeys on her neck and two hand marks on his thigh's, (she's got shorts on currently). Newt stares at Minho waiting for an answer and Thomas wakes up and joins us, confused but silent.

"You shucked didn't you?" I ask.

Izzy nods quickly and Minho scratches the back of his neck pulling a crooked smile.

"What?!" Newt says arm's crossed.

"Did you use a condom?" Thomas asks.

"There isn't any." Minho shrugs nervously, obviously panicking at his unprotected drunk fuck session.

"We have some." I say simply, raising my eyebrow's nodding to Newt.

"We do?!" Newt says.

I don't know whether he's shocked, embarrassed, excited or turned on.

"You could have asked. Though, you were both pissed." I say, folding my arm's, ignoring Newt's comment.

"It was your first night here Izzy." Thomas says with his head in his hand's.

Izzy and Minho are both panicking. Izzy is crying and Minho...? I don't know how to put it.

"Clint." Thomas shakes him awake, "Jeff." Thomas shakes him awake too.

Newt tells them the situation. Clint tells them about STDs and STIs and Izzy starts hyperventilating. Clint takes Minho to calm down in the medi-hut then Jeff takes Izzy to sort her out. Newt requests a pregnancy test and more condoms just in case this happens again. Thomas requests some STD and STI tests too.

Two hours the whole Glade wakes up, hungover.

"Rest day!" I yell causing groans.

The drunk bastards.

"Hey you." Newt says walking towards me.

When he reaches me he kisses me passionately. I respond but I also grin into the kiss. We hear some wolf whistles but we carry on. Newt's arm's wrapped around my lower back and one of my hand's is in his hair, the other wrapped around the top of back and resting on his shoulder. Newt let's out a small moan when I start tugging ever so slightly on his sunshine blonde hair.

"Sorry to interrupt," Winston starts, "The stuff that you lot requested early morning has arrived." Winston says.

I pull away, "Thanks Win."

Newt pouts still holding onto me.

"Newt, Tegan come to the medi-hut. I'll get these." My brother Thomas says.

"Thanks Tommy." Newt says, his facing going a tad red.

So we all troop to the medi-hut. Minho and Izzy both do the STI and STD tests and they come back negative. That's good. We were just particularly worried as we don't have much hygene in the Glade. Next, we make Izzy take a pregnancy test. Izzy comes back in shaking slightly, could this mean positive?

"Negative." She says quietly.

Well, that's good. It was a drunken night of passion and they may not even like each other sober. Plus, how could we raise a baby in the Glade? I want to have a family with Newt one day but not in this hellhole.

"Phew." Minho says to himself.

"Could you grab everyone Tommy and Clint? Council meeting." Newt says authoritively.

That's one of the things I love about Newt, his leadership skills. About twenty minutes later after dragging practically everyone to council hall Newt starts off the meeting.

"We need to get out of here, now." Newt says strongly, "We've had a scare concerning little patterns of feet-"

Everyone starts wolf whistling and that thinking of me and Newt as we are the only established non-gay couple.

"Shut your bloody traps!" I scream then silence so I continue, "Not me and Newt. No, Newt's a gentlemen. I don't want that level of-uh, touching."

"I would..." Ed mutters leerly.

Newt starts screaming, cursing and Ed is taken to the pits by Max and Callum. We wait for their return. Newt is now holding me from behind, letting me lean on him with his arm's wrapped around my waist. I think the little green-eyed monster came out - not that he had anything to be jealous about.

"Anyway," I begin, "I had an idea for sleeping arrangements. A temporary measure until we escape."

So I tell them my idea. The Glade agrees and tomorrow we set to work.

"Tommy, Tegan, Callum, Izzy and keepers stay behind please." Newt says.

Everyone else leaves.

"Tommy, Callum, Izzy you are having your running tests early as we need more runners." Newt explains.

Gally scoffs. Despite learning about Eloise and Hope I think Gally is still happy here and that he's happy Eloise and Hope - last thing we knew - were safe. He says he loves Eloise and misses her but either he hopes she'll join us or he's leaving the past in the past. I'm not entirely sure.

"I'll do the tests - even if I'm hungover - but Tegan you'll need to observe so you can do it if we get more greenies before we escape this place." Minho says happily.

"Got it." I say cheerfully.

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