Crushes and cuddles

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Newt's POV

"I'm sorry." Tegan says again, with salty tears escaping her eyes.

"For what?" I murmor into her soft hair made up of sun rays.

She pulls away abruptly, "For me, for making you upset with me being absolutely hysterical, for the panic attack and meltdown. I know it must be distressing."

Definitely distressing. I knew she was having a panic attack but she was having a meltdown?! Does Alby know about this? Yes. Yes. He does. That was that thing she found in her pocket. Speaking of it Tegan gets it out now. Her fingers trembling as she hands it me. I give her an 'Are you sure/ certain?' look and she nods and rests her head on my shoulder. I feel her hair tickle my lower arms. As I read through this booklet it makes sense. Anxiety. Aspergers. Depression. I read that word and my eyes are battling me to shed a tear. I only let one fall. Tegan notices this and she starts rubbing up and down my arm.

Feels nice.


Ugh she's getting into my brain.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner; or let anyone else say anything. I just didn't want you to think badly of me..."

My heart breaks for the girl who's now resting her head on my shoulder, clearly she has trust issues and low self esteem.

But how?! She's perfect!

Oh my.

I think I like her.

"I'm not good enough for you..." I whisper.

She shakes her head. She clearly disagrees. She is wrong.

"What do you mean? You're great! You are good enough for anyone whether it's their friend, brother, dad, best friend, boyfriend..." She whispers angrily.

Never in my life have I heard someone whisper angrily.

I see a silhouette outside Tegan's tent. I yell for it to come here. In comes Chuck.

Chuck is a chubby, extremely exciteable and enthusiastic little ten year old boy. He's sweet and kind and once you really get to know him Chuck is sassy and outspoken. He can swear in Glade slang that much that he could make a sailor blush. He has short, curly dark brown hair. His eyes are bright blue. I wish he was innocent though, no one in the maze is. We've all saw stuff and experienced things that no human would ever want to. Chuck is ten. Still a child. His childhood, and all of the childhood innocence and ignorance has been stolen from him by the maze and the Glade.

It breaks me.

"Newt! Tegan? I'm Chuck. Last month's gr-" I shoot him a warning look; he swallows and continues, "Glader, and I just wanted to see if you're okay now."

I can feel Tegan been made to mush by Chuck here. They will get on like a shelter on fire.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better than I were. Thanks to some people."

I get a radient smile and a playful nudge. I look up at Tegan to meet her glossy brown eyes.

"Woah..." Chuck says, his eyes lighting up.

"Woah?!" I give him a withering look.

He shrinks back and I burst out laughing. "It was a joke don't get so worried." I say laughing.

Chuck chuckles. Tegan looks at with a strange look then gets up and grabs a towel or two.

"Where are you going?" I ask curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

I give her a 'Seriously?' look. She laughs.

Bloody hell I love her laugh.

"A shower idiot. Alby mentioned one earlier. Getting everyone out of the shower room then locking the doors on the outside so no one can get in. I have to knock a special knock when I'm decent and dressed." She says excitedly whilst grabbing another t-shirt.

"Newt. What's your favourite colour out of these choices?" Tegan says bent over rummaging through a wooden box on the floor. "Ready? Red, black, pink or lilac?"

"Red." I say to her bum.

"Newt!" Chuck says at me chastisingly when he sees me staring at her bum.

I snap out of it pronto. Chuck looks disgusted and shakes his head like a wise old woman.

"Then that is the colour bra and knickers I shall wear!" Tegan declares straightening up.

I start nodding mouthing 'Yeah, yeahhhh'.


"Chuck!" Chuck just full on slapped me on my leg.

"Weirdos." Tegan says looking at us both in a funny way. "Out then." She ushers me and Chuck out.

Cheek. Well, fair enough. And she then saunters off into the direction she thinks is to the showers. I whistle, she turns around and i point my finger to the conplete and utter different direction. Chuck however holds the court with me.

"Newt got a crush?" Chuck says saying it in a squeaky girly voice.

My face hardens. "No."

"Lies! LIES!" Chuck yells.

"Chuck! Shut it!" I lash at him like a whip.

"Will you admit it then?" Chuck sounds like a little kid.

Well, he is. I let my face soften.

"Promise you won't tell?" Chuck nods vigorously. "Ugh, I admit it. I've got a shucking crush. Happy now?" Chuck looks happy. Very happy indeed. Like all his Christmas' has come at once. Again.

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