"Yeah... I walked straight into that one didn't I?"

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All me and Jeff do is like he said - bandage up the slicers. We do though get some builders though. I'd sort of hoped I would see Win but I mostly and mainly didn't as I didn't want him to be hurt in the first place.

"Jeff!" An angry voice yells.

"What? I'm busy with Ricky, Tegan's coming!" Jeff yells.

I was currently watching how thick Jeff was putting a bandage on Ricky so then I jumped up then walked into the main part of the medi-hut.


"Yes, it's me. Can you help?" I cross my arms and I observe his bleeding forehead, soaked in blood at the top right corner.

"Yes but what's the magic word?" I mutter sarcastically.


"There you are, much better. Manners don't cost a penny Gally. Now what the shuck did you do to your head?" I ask whilst grabbing the necessary stuff to help him.

"Urhhh, a hammer was being chucked down to me from the lookout tower but I werent paying-OW!" (I just had dabbed a cotton wool on the bleeding part), "Not so hard! Anyway, I weren't paying attention - I was deep in thought - and well, I didn't catch it. That's where it landed."

I laugh at his absent-mindedness, "Well done Gal."

He now groans as I wipe antiseptic on the open gash, "Too much antiseptic!" He says flapping his hand around.

"Sorry." I say genuinely.

I then proceed to finish Gally and before he goes Jeff comes up to check on it. I tell him what I did.

"You're a natural Tegan."

I smile, "Thanks, Jeff."

Thomas' POV

I see my little sister Tegan come out of the medi-hut so I jog to her.

"Hey! Sis!" I yell then engulf my slender sister in a bear hug.

"Hey Thomas." She greets happily, I'm so glad she was doing okay before I came up.

I can't imagine how it felt to be her then.

"Let me walk you over to Newt and the other track-hoes. Frypan says the baggers will meet you there. Hey what are baggers?" I badger my sister.

"They're the ones who bury the bodies." Tegan says solemnly.

"Oh." I pause, "You going to be okay?" I ask concerned as we're walking along the emerald-green grass, a light and fresh breeze blowing in our faces gently.


She doesn't look it though.

"Tommy! Tegan!" I hear Newt yell in his British accent.


"Newt calls me it. It's our bromance thing." I say quietly.

Tegan laughs then we stop as we arrived and stood in front of Newt.

"Hey." I respond to Newt.

He nods to me but giggles at Tegan.

"What's so funny?"

Oh my lord, she's on her period and she sounds so pissed it's hilarius. I think it's one of them mood swings things.

"Just... Nevermind."

He takes her hand and pulls her close to him and he hugs her really delicately and rubs at her lower back. She groans in happiness and satisfaction as Tegan gets chronic back pain when on.

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