2 - Pistachio Rose Latte

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Raine woke up early the next morning as her alarm blared out a loud siren noise, the only sound to make her actually wake up

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Raine woke up early the next morning as her alarm blared out a loud siren noise, the only sound to make her actually wake up. The softer tone settings had no effect on waking up Raine, as she could sleep through the noise effortlessly. Raine was clearly a deep sleeper and thus, waking up at 6 am was not something she was looking forward to.

Slamming her head in the pillow and reaching for her phone, Raine turned off the annoying sounds and squirmed in bed. No matter how much she tried, those captivating sapphire blue eyes had been lingering in her mind ever since she came home last night. And they didn't even spare her in her sleep.

Jumping out of bed, Raine rushed to the bathroom to get her day started. Today was Monday which meant that the cafe would be packed. Rush hour was at 8:00, which was when the surrounding companies opened. Employees and personal assistants would often show up in the cafe, grabbing a quick bite for themselves and their employers.

Raine got out of the shower, slipping into a navy blue floral skirt and a soft, white crop top, which she tucked into the skirt at the waist. She wore on a pair of white converse and headed to the kitchen to get a quick bite and then headed off to the cafe.

* * *

"Hey Rainy!" Mike greeted as Raine stepped into the cute cafe that had just opened. Mike was managing the cash register as usual, helping out the first couple of customers that had dropped by.

"Good morning Mikey! Looks like you're busy already." Even if the cafe had opened minutes ago, the flow of people into the small coffee shop was constant.

"Well, Sundays don't last forever."

Raine dropped her purse and phone on the side of the counter and put on her apron. Heading to the back room, she smiled at Daisy who was busy on the phone, trying to multitask talking with a friend and making muffins at the same time. How she did it? Nobody knew.

After setting up, Raine was on the roll with her duty as the waitress. Deliverying coffee and other drinks to the tables, while cleaning up after the customers left, Raine was busy as can be during the typical Monday rush hour.

However, unlike normal days, Raine's eyes scanned the front door quiet often when the sound of the bell chimed through the cafe. For some unknown reason, her desire to see those blue eyes once more, was driving her insane.

* * *

The day passed but the blue eyed man never made a comeback. Although Raine acted as if she could care less, disappointment was evident in her eyes. Mike and Daisy were the first to notice and they spared no chance in pointing it out to Raine.

"Looks like Rainy is waiting for someone." Mike smirked as he loudly whispered to Daisy who was setting up the cookies in the glass displays in front of the counter.

"Maybe she finally found her special someone unlike you."

"Hey, who says I haven't found my special someone."

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