23 - Perfect

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Xavier had dropped Raine off at Mike's house with reluctantance

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Xavier had dropped Raine off at Mike's house with reluctantance. He couldn't bare to leave Raine alone in such circumstances but she wouldn't agree to stay with him instead. Daisy was spending the night at Mike's too and Raine wanted to be there to comfort her.

Xavier had agreed but he wasn't the least bit happy. It was quiet clear that whoever trashed the cafe had something against Daisy and if that was the case, Daisy's safety was questionably. And knowing that Raine was with her, left an unsettling feeling looming in Xavier's mind.

"Jordon, I need you to send two of our best security guards to take cover under Mike's building." Xavier said, watching the apartment building disappear into the distance.

"Of course Mr. Thorn. I'll send our guard over there right away." Jordan responded as he drove through the city.

* * *

The morning sun shined brightly on top of the busy city. Although it was still winter time, the skies were a bright shade of blue, with fluffy clouds shattered throughout and no signs of snow.

Xavier's black sedan pulled up in front of the thick glass doors of Thorn Inc. He stepped outside the vehicle, greeting Cole before heading inside the building while Jordon parked the car.

Just as he was walking towards the elevator, an employee made his way towards Xavier, pushing some files in front of his face. "Sir, these are the signed documents."

Xavier stopped in his track, turning to the young man, seething. No words were exchanged on his behalf as he continued to stare, more like glare at the man who was standing there with wide eyes and papers in his hand.

If there was one thing that you needed to know about Xavier, it was that he hated being approached by any employees when he entered the building in the morning. If anyone had urgent requests, they were to go through his personal assistant, who was in charge of reporting back to him.

It didn't take long for the man to understand what his mistake was, and instantly his retracted his hand. "I'll send them to Miss. Woods as soon as she gets here. I'm sorry for the delay." He said quietly, his eyes lowering to the ground.

Not even giving the man another glance, Xavier turned on his heel and walked away.

Xavier strode into his office, shrugging off his coat and resting in on the couch besides the entrance. Folding up his sleeves, he pushed them past his forearms as he let out a deep breath of exhaustion. Sleep had not come easy for him the night before due to thoughts of a certain brown eyed girl, who wouldn't seem to escape his mind.

He wasn't sure what he could do to solve this problem. It had been happening to him ever since Raine has slipped her way into his life. From their first meeting, Xavier had been mesmerized by her. Although it was difficult, he tried everything to control her thoughts from taking over his mind.

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