47 - The Devil

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"Morning, Sweetheart

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"Morning, Sweetheart." Xavier mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Raine's waist.

It was early morning, and like everyday day, Raine was the first to get up so that she could get ready and make something special for Xavier to have for breakfast.

Ever since she had come into his life, the chefs that he had hired from the best restaurants in the city could no longer please him with their meals as much as Raine's dishes could. And Raine was more then delighted to do something for Xavier after he had done so much for her.

"Xavier..." Raine groaned, trying to unravel from Xavier's tight grip.

It was time for work but like ever morning, Xavier didn't let Raine slip away so easily. He loved keeping her in his arms for a couple of minutes longer each day. Just laying there in between the sheets and feeling her warmth under his skin was heaven to him.

"Let me go, Xav. We're gunna be late for the meeting." Raine wiggled, trying to break free.

"Five more minutes." He muttered.

"You said that five minutes ago too."


"Ok fine." Raine gave in, pretending to be irritated but silently celebrating the more time she got to spend, cuddled up in Xavier's arms.

Raine hadn't had the best live and there was no way that she could go back in time and fix the past. But being with Xavier made up for everything. He was what she wanted. And she was what he had craved for so long. And now that they were together, nothing could split them apart. 

* * *

"Babe, can you grab me a coffee please." Xavier asked, calling Raine on the intercom. "These annual reports are putting me to sleep. I seriously can't keep my eyes open anymore."

Raine laughed, shaking her head. "Yeah, I'll be there shortly." She said, hanging up the phone.

The world had always known Xavier as a serious man, one who'd do anything for the success of his company. But that wasn't the truth. Yes, Xavier was a business man and a damn good one. But that didn't mean he loved his job. It was a responsibility that was given to him by his late father, and he took it up because, well he had to.

It had been a couple of years since he had become the CEO of a company he grew up hating. But it was only now that he was glad he took it up. He came to work each morning happy because he got to spend his time with a women he was so fond of. Working didn't seem so forced now. Not when he wanted to strive to do better, not for a profit in his bank account, but to make proud a girl who had stolen his heart.

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