34 - Lavender Latte

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Raine and Xavier touched down in New York late last night, exhausted from their travels

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Raine and Xavier touched down in New York late last night, exhausted from their travels. Although the flight back home still intimidated Raine, Xavier made sure to make her experience as smooth as possible, doing every little thing to distract her from thinking about the plane and instead, diverting her attention to card games and classic movies.

It was a bright sunny morning but the weather did not compare to that of Paris. Raine woke up eager to start her day at work. Things with Xavier had been going great and she couldn't help but blush at the thought of their adventures from Paris.

And to brighten up her day even more, Raine had just discovered that Cathy's Cakes & Coffee was back in business.

After taking a shower and getting ready in a light purple dress paired with a white blazer, Raine headed straight to the cafe, excited to meet Daisy.

"Look who we have here!" Daisy shouted as Raine entered the cafe. It had been a while since Raine had gone there and the newly done repairs and renovations gave the cafe a whole new look.

"Raine! Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!" Daisy said, engulfing Raine it the biggest of hugs.

"Me too, Daisy!" Raine replied brightly. "It looks amazing in here."

"Thanks to Mr. CEO down the street." Daisy winked, causing Raine to put up a confused expression.

"Mr. CEO?"

"Yup." Daisy said, popping the p. "Actually, I had the worst battle with the insurance company. They refused to get me my money until the case was solved. But thanks to our local CEO, Xavier Thorn, who loaned money for the cafe, we're open and ready for business."

"Xavier gave you money?"

"Well technically. He sent his guy..." Daisy paused to think. "What's his name?"

"Jordon?" Raine confirmed.

"Ah, he sent Jordon over here to offer a small loan to refurbish the cafe."

"Ohh." Raine mumbled a little shocked that she knew nothing about this. "Well, that's really nice. I'm glad you guys opened. I was missing this place!"

"Well, this place was missing you too Raine!" Daisy said. "And so was Mikey. He gone for some family lunch today though. "

"I haven't talked to him in forever."

"Oh I've heard alright." Daisy said. "He was going on and on about how you forgot about him ever since you got your new job."

"Have not." Raine refuted."I've just been busy. I was in Paris actually, for a couple of days."

"So I've heard." Daisy said with a smirk. "How are things working out with Mr. Handsome Hunk and you?"

"Oh please!" Raine said rolling her eyes.

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