11 - Prince Charming

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The following day passed by quiet quickly

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The following day passed by quiet quickly. In the absence of Xavier, Raine couldn't help but feel that a part of her was missing. Each time the bell on the door rang, Raine's eyes would shoot up to the entry of the cafe, hoping to see the mystical blue eyes she had grown to befriend. 

Unfortunately, no matter how many times she looked up to the door, Xavier did not appear in front of her. 

These actions however, did not go unnoticed by her two friends who had taken the responsibility of teasing Raine at every instant. And even though Mike was reluctant of Raine being close to Xavier, he was also enjoying teasing the girl while he could. 

"Looks like Prince Charming won't be dropping by to recuse out princess today." Daisy sang as she balanced to trays of freshly baked brownies through the cafe. Seeing Daisy with the trays, Mike rushed over to help her. 

Raine rolled her eyes. This was probably the fifth time in the last hour that Daisy had said that. She was just waiting impatiently for Raine to respond but Raine played the game just well, by avoiding any such talks. 

"I know you heard me Rainy!" Daisy shouted across the cafe while Mike laughed. 

Today wasn't the busiest day and closing time was soon approaching. Taking off her apron, Raine made her way to one of the empty tables and sat down. "I'm not saying a word guys." Raine said as she pulled out a book from her bag and began to read, muting out all of the noises that Mike and Daisy were making to try and disturb her. 

"You know, you can always text him." 

Just as Raine heard Daisy's voice, she set the book down, a mix of emotions running through her mind. It was beyond obvious that Raine wanted to talk to him but she didn't know what to say. Afraid to be a disturbance, Raine had refrained from texting or calling him all day. But now the situation was different. It was the evening and by now Xavier had definitely finished whatever meetings he was meant to attend so one text wouldn't hurt. But then again, if Xavier was anything but busy, he would have texted her himself as he had been doing for the past couple of days. 

The hurricane of thoughts finally settled down and Raine reached into her bag, pulling out her shiny phone. Opening up the Messages app, Raine typed up a quick greeting.

Raine Woods >> Hey Xavier. You busy? 

Her foot tapped rapidly on the floor as she waiting for him to respond. Unfortunately, a reply didn't come, leaving Raine disheartened. She shut her phone off and pushed it back into her bag, resting her head on her hands which were propped up on the table. 

She stared out at the city lights and the rampage of cars as people rushed to get back home. Just as she was sitting there, she felt a hand rest on her shoulder, causing her to turn around. She found a soft smile on Mike's face as he pulled up a chair next to her and sat down. 

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