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It was funny how time worked

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It was funny how time worked.

When you wanted it to pass by quickly, minutes felt like hours. And when you wanted it to go by slowly, minutes felt like seconds.

It felt like Xavier had been driving through town for hours, his heart thumbing against his chest so loudly that he could hear it. There was only one thing on his mind and that was Raine. His Raine.

He wanted nothing more than to get to the hotel and find his girl safely waiting for him. He wanted to see her eyes sparkle in the light. He wanted to caress her rosy cheeks as he kissed her tender lips. He wanted to hold her in his arms, her body pressed against his. He wanted to keep her close to him forever.

"We're here Sir." Jordon announce, quickly putting the car on park and rushing out to open Xavier's door.

"Let's go!" Xavier ordered, running up the stairs and into the lobby, his eyes looking around frantically for a single glimpse of his brown-eyed beauty. "Damnit!" He cursed. "How are we going to find her? This hotel is huge!"

"Excuse me? May I help you men out with something?" A women working behind the receptionist counter asked, coming forward with her eyes glued on Xavier's body. She was dressed in a skin tight dressed, suitable for a night club much rather then a day time job. And the cleavage that she was pushing forward made her look more like a hooker then a receptionist.

"Fuck off!" Xavier growled at the same time Jordon said, "Yes please."

The women frowned at Xavier's harsh reply, but kept herself composed as she turned to Jordon. "Yes?"

"We're looking for a girl."

"Half of the population is girls." The women rolled her eyes. "What girl are you talking about?"

"Raine!" Xavier interjected. "Her name is Raine, she just checked in here a couple of hours ago. I need to know where she is!"

"I can run her name through our system and see if she checked in." The women said, walking back behind the receptionist desk. "Do you have her full name?"

"Raine Woods."

"Hmm..." The women pondered, searching for Raine's name in the computer system. "Nope. No Raine Woods here."

"Check again! She has to be staying here!" Xavier ordered.

"I'm sorry Mister. But we have no one under that name here."

"Damnit!" Xavier kicked the desk. "Where can she have gone! The taxi dropped her off right here!"

"She arrived in a taxi?" The women questioned.

"Yes!" He nodded. "She got here a couple of hours ago in a taxi! She was wearing a red blouse and white shirt. Have you seen her?!"

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