6 - I Won't Let Him

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The familiar gates to Xavier's house opened up as Jordan drove through the driveway and stopped the car right in front of his house

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The familiar gates to Xavier's house opened up as Jordan drove through the driveway and stopped the car right in front of his house. He rushed to the passenger side, opening the door for Xavier, who slowly got out of the car with Raine in his arms, afraid to hurt her. The secrurty guards rushed to Xavier, seeing his state. However Xavier ignored them as he ran into the house.

Without thinking for a second longer, Xavier brought Raine into his master bedroom. Gently, he laid her down onto his king size bed which was covered with a fluffy white comforter. Not caring a bit about Raine's bloody body ruining his bed, he covered her up with a blanket once he removed his coat from her body. Her face was pale and her hands were shievering. There was dried up blood all over her body and Xavier notice her ripped sleeves and cut up top that was exposing parts for her chest.

He rushed to his closet, going through all of his clothes trying to find something that would possibly fit that small , fragile girl that was laying in his bed. He found a white t-shirt that would be possibly reach her knees. Grabbing it off the hanger, he ran back to the bed where she was laying. He slipped the blanket off her body and was about to begin changing her when there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Thorn, Dr. Khan has arrived with a nurse. Shall I send them up?" Jordan said as he waited at the door.

Setting the t-shirt aside, Xavier stood up and turned to Jordan. "Send them up right away."

It wasn't long before a white haired man in his late 50s entered the room with a young nurse following behind quietly. "Mr. Thorn, what is the emergency?" He said as he eyed Raine who was unconscious in his bed.

"Raine! I found her at the cafe. She was being attacked by this son of a bitch! I got there before the man could do anything serious but she just fainted in my arms! She's lost a lot of blood! Please make sure that she is ok Dr. Khan! It's crucial that she is ok!" Xavier said as he ran his fingers, raking his hair. He was trying hard to remain calm, but the events of the night were driving his mind insane. He couldn't get the picture of that man on top of Raine out of his head.

"I will take care of everything from here Mr. Thorn. It would be great if you could leave us for a bit." Nodding, Xavier complied to the doctor and left the room, not before telling the nurse to change Raine into his t-shirt.

He headed down the steps and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. But before he could even reach the kitchen, five security guards were waiting in the living room, along with a concerned Jordan. Frustration, along with anger rushing through his veins, Xavier marched to the men as they awaited for orders from him.

"The man at the cafe? Is he all taken care of?!" Xavier spoke with anger seeping through his voice.

"Mr. Thorn,  the man was taken into custody and admitted to the hospital." One of the guards said as he straightened up his posture.

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